Is there any ability in this game that is worse than roll the bones?

Why is it listed in the powers then, instead of, say, in the General tab?

Hey, hey hey.

Sentry totem is for photos


And this is still leagues better than roll the bones.

Worse ever? Outlaw had a very long cd talent or ability, long like 30 minutes long? Where you would have a humanoid switch sides for 5 minutes.

Prot warrior has whirlwind and slam. I mean…RtB can be really good, what do you do with whirlwind and slam as prot…

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Well now my day is ruined

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I don’t like Roll the Bones, but it’s easy enough to just completely take the thinking out of when to reroll using Weakauras that it’s kind of a non-issue that I don’t pay any attention to realistically. Dice icon lights up I hit reroll hurr durr.

The effects would probably have to be turned into cooldowns or something instead of RtB having 100% uptime if we wanted to drop the RNG bit.

As far as minor tweaks to how it exists currently… just drop the high end extreme RNG. Praying for a 5 proc is stupid. Make 2 baseline. No RNG on how many you get. Or maybe leave it at 1 baseline, with some kind of CD that guarantees the next RtB grants (2 or 3) buffs, and that’s the only way it can happen.

I used that in Ashran all the time during wod.


May I ask why? O.o


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I find this amusing due to the noticeable percentage of the Feral community that wants Savage Roar to be baseline again. And it’s just another burn CPs to passively increase damage, juggle buff.

Also, Maul might be worse. Roll the Bones does something useful, even if the amount of useful is totally random. Maul is actively detrimental to push.

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To keep an eye on enemy player movements. Are they at [x]? Let’s do [y]. Oh, look, all the mobs have spawned at [z] and there’s no enemy players there, let’s get there fast!


I wonder if they stole the idea from the movie Willow. If not for the “bones” and how they rolled, Willow might have just stayed home and kept Elora Danan, although he might have lost his farm and ended up working in the mines.

Ah, that makes sense. Thank you!


tRoll The Bones is like the Omnitrix of Ben10.

Sometimes he gets exactly what he needs.
Sometimes he gets exactly what he does not need.

And as you may need several different things while running from a fight, there is a very large chance of having something you need at the wrong time, giving a sense of frustration and discouragement.

But this has always been the reason for the existence of skill.
I do not remember at some point, having had what I wanted when I needed it.

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Melee SV hunter? Oh wait, that is an entire class/spec combo. Not an ability.


I really hate RNG in damage output. Roll the Bones would drive me nuts. One reason I don’t play my rogue anymore.

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No thanks…

The “cast time” of Steady Shot is meaningless outside of Trueshot, and that’s a Trueshot issue not a Steady Shot issue. Steady Shot is uninterruptible and you can cast while moving so the cast time just doesn’t matter.

Hitting buttons faster or more frequently doesn’t make dps more fulfilling for many of us. And there are already plenty of spec’s designed around spamming buttons.

I like me some Steady Shot filler in my down times.

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Yeah I played with that. Looking for some aoe angles. Left disappointed. Was thinking kill some trash/adds…come on in big guy boom!

Big guy looked at me and said you done?

Yes…I know…now you will say you just made me angrier…


i submit my nomination - scare beast

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Ancestral call.

More rng than roll bones. longer crappier cd.

and almost guaranteed to roll what you don’t need pretty much most of the time. it was so flaky I pulled it off my warriors bar.

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Not at all. For assassination rogues finishing moves refresh SnD as long as the target has a poison applied to them. So, you start it and never worry about it. As an added bonus, you can get a talent so that you are healed for using SnD. It’s a very small heal but it’s there.

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When I first played DK, I thought how cool…I have a necromancer ability like D2.

Nope. You can hardly see the animation. Heck even just a mild DoT from the explosion would be great like a warlock corruption