Is there an actual date yet

Is that patch 8.1.5 or just the new races?

The Kul Tiran and Zandalari Allied Races are part of the 8.1.5 content update.

Awesome thank you.

March 13, exactly 6 months after the release of BFA (August 14th)

This was planned from the start. All of it.

Oh, and want to keep playing the expansion without having to start all over? That’ll be another $25 for the race change.

And then Blizzard wonders why they get so much hate.


What do you mean especially? Does that mean even the wow team thinks kultirans are underwhelming?

I am honestly not sure what you are reading to get those takeaways. Sorry. Could you explain further?

One of my toons will absolutely be a kul tiran as soon as possible. I’m pumped!


That’s not how it works you dishonest little troll.

Since 8.1.5 is about to release and has crap all class changes maybe 8.2 will finally actually make some meaningful changes to classes. Jesus christ Blizzard.

Don’t worry it’s only alpha
Don’t worry it’s only beta
Don’t worry it’s only pre-patch
Don’t worry it’s only 8.0
Don’t worry it’s only 8.1
Don’t worry it’s only 8.1.5

And people wonder why we don’t trust them to do anything worth a damn.

Why are you still playing?

With that kind of unhappiness, wouldn’t you be better off playing something less stressful? Your psyche is suffering.

If you truly <3 WoW, then ignore the shortcomings and things you can’t change then concentrate on the good stuffs. If you can’t find nuthin good, then look elsewhere. This is life advice as well.


Or, take your right as a consumer, and demand change. If the company refuses, take your money elsewhere.

Let me put this as simply as I can. No company “deserves” your loyalty. It isn’t unconditional.


And just as those Dreadwake pre-paid subs start running out…8.1.5 is here, everyone act like this is a benevolent gift they’re giving us, gotta resub for those new Allied Races, yo.

[quote=“Xarlath-area-52, post:8, topic:107666, full:true”]
I’m assuming March as the earliest, and pretty realistic at this point, with 8.2 hitting around mid May-ish. [/quote]
8.2 won’t be out until September or October OR later based on past patch releases.

Except that you don’t have any numbers or statistics other than the ones you make up in your head based on a vocal minority of players who post in the forums and on fan sites or who are vocal on the shard you happen to be on at that moment.

We, the players, have no real data. Only Blizzard has that data and the fact that they don’t rush to “fix” all the things complained about in these forums and on other fansites says that you are probably not 100% correct in your thinking.

Also, I never said you were a politician. I said that you don’t speak for “most players”. You do not know why “most players” play the game or what they do while they are logged in.

So stop responding with your greater than thou, I know all comments trying to sound like you actually know something.


Umm… I’m thinking that there is no historical data on patch releases that would give any kind of indication that we won’t see the next patch until 7 months from now.

Expansion release: 8/14/2018
8.1 release: 12/11/2018 (~ 4 months)
8.1.5 release: 3/12/2019 (~ 3 months)

It’s likely that we’ll see 8.2 in June or July.

You might be correct about 8.2.5 being around 7 months away, however.

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Could we get a explanation as to why Kul Tiran humans have considerably less customization options then Zandalari Trolls? Last I checked KT humans have less customization then regular humans while Ztrolls have the most customization options of any non demon hunter.

I can’t reply to Teufelgott because he deletes comments. If you need charts and excel sheets to prove to you that most players play WoW for the core content (Raids, Dungeons, PVP) then you need help.

actually incredibly excited to be able to play a Zandalari finally… lol


Because, as is normal, KT humans didn’t get started until ZTrolls were already complete because, as usual the Horde comes first at Blizzard.

Sort of like how a full heal made sense as a racial ability in any context whatsoever, but we’re already getting notes that the KT knockback is being disabled in PvP because reasons.

TL:DR: The devs play horde. That’s why.

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IIRC the Zandalari were announced at the Blizzcon panel with the likes of void elves and dark iron, and were originally slated for an 8.0 release before they were replaced by Mag’har. Whereas Kul Tirans weren’t announced until later and it was always clear they weren’t going to be in 8.0 for story reasons.

So Zandalari fans have in fact been waiting longer, though not necessarily with more or less intensity.

All that matters to me is that I have a concrete release date and time-frame. That is literally all I’ve been wanting from day one. Longer than expected? Of course. But can I forgive this? Absolutely. All I ask is communication so I can in turn communicate with my guild-mates and we can plan accordingly.

Can’t wait to roll a Zanda!

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