Is there a way to "ignore" certain posters on the forums?

I’ve sort of done a blank-slate wipe here anyway. I don’t have anyone on ignore, not going to put anyone on it unless I have to… and whatever grudges from the old forums there might have been - I’ve shrugged off. Anything now is what people choose to bring.

We all get a new chance here, to build that better place and be those better people we could be… the people we ask others to be. We don’t often get such a chance and it’d be a shame to waste it. Better to start again fresh trying to listen to people we might not have before - and not dragging a freight train.

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So we talking 2030 time frame

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Oh Marystara, why can’t you just let our love echo through the ages and stop this charade?

Well apparently me for one. I like Blizzard too much for their tastes.

I really need a fix for this. Apparently muting only suppresses notifications from said person.

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