Is there a way to "ignore" certain posters on the forums?

Nah… I have a big heart. That’s why I am not even mad at you. I bet under your gruff you are nice too!

p.s. This “female” belf is actually… female. :kissing_heart:

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Just @ me next time

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I don’t believe you at all.

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Nah, this isn’t reddit my dude.

About being female or about being big hearted?

I left it ambiguous for a reason.

So neither. Well okay. /shrug I still like blizzard more than not so if that means we cannot be friendly to each other I will leave you alone. Have a great weekend! :heartpulse:


You don’t know what you’re missing!

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This betrayal will not be forgotten


Just wanted to make sure everyone muting their MVP’s could do that without issue.

Surely you jest!

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we may scan over your posts and not read it fully, we may even make off topic comments about pick up lines, we may eat cake right infront of you and smile.
but you will not be ignored.


Yeah, I’ll probably forget about it after my food coma on Thxgiving.

Who would do such a thing? Roasted green is so delish!

(ps. Totally messing with you! :kissing_heart:)

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I’m just curious who they’re trying to ignore

Funny I had many female belf on ignore for the same reason, and now they can use emotes too…

Yes, it’s profligates like them that make me sick to my stomach. Rakes and roues.

Thank you!

The old ignore function kind of sucked. You could still see posts and threads made by the person you ignored. You could also see replies quoting them.

I used it on only a few incredibly aggravating individuals but they would reply to my posts so often I found myself constantly toggling their ignore because I couldn’t resist reading their replies.

Also, if you switched to a mobile device or a another computer/laptop you had to RE-IGNORE them. So annoying. I hope we get a new, revamped version.

Edit: posting as a female belf paladin.

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