Is there a way to get kalecgos to shut up?

Chill out in dalaran. Its got everything you need

First round of classic had buffs dropping every 10 minutes in org. Eventually it slowed but that’s because the guild started scheduling their drops and BC was close.

can’t link you the weakaura but if you Google “shut up kalecgos wa” and take the top result from wago you should be set

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Mysanthra, I bent the the knee to post on main lol.

I like paladin for my legacy (for cata) spam more. It opens up heroic a bit easier.

Leatrix Sounds - addon that lets you search for sound files. (search Kalegos)
Mute Sound Files - lets you mute individual sound files (use the number from the search above)

You can mute anything you dont like, that way you dont have to blanket mute everything else, its beautiful.

Hello! I was able to mute Kalecgos using Leatrix Plus (v4.0.45-cata) Addon on Cataclysm patch. I also used Leatrix Sounds (v4.0.45-cata) to get the sounds id to mute.

To mute Kalecgos speech open Leatrix Plus panel → System → check the Custom sounds option and open the settings for this option → add this sound’s id in the editor text: " 552973, 552998, 552962, 552999, 552979, 553004, 553012, 552968, 552992 " (without the quotes).

Enjoy! It silences the english sounds of Kalecgos at Orgrimmar

Leatrix Plus.

Yes, reroll Horde, so you do not have to listen to him in Stormwind.

Just turn the slider to zero on the dialogue setting in the sounds tab

I want dialog I just don’t want to hear Kalecgos.

Kalecgos and Rhonin should have a rap battle.

I just find it funny that in our 10 raid we have 4 almost 5 staffs right now and zero 2 handed weapons of any other kind.

We just saw our first Sulfuras last week in 25m. It almost feels bugged.

hold on, if it wasn’t Rhonin in Dalaran with the guys who defeated Agalon in Ulduar, then now we have Ogrimmar and Stormwind.

Is there a way to get kalecgos to shut up?

Just give him a Snickers bar.