Catching up the lore inside the game is too messy. Lots of quests removed, content overlapped, just an example:
Karazhan map. All quests from TBC are no longer accesible in retail, they’re Legion content now.
Uldum & Vale of Ethernal Blossoms have a NPC that allows you to “phase” between the Cataclysm version & the BFA version. However not all maps have these feature… Which lead us to…
All Vanilla classic maps content has been remade in Cataclysm.
Maybe the best advice is YT
Classified by main threats
The Legion threat.
The Scourge/Death threat.
Old Gods threat (always in the background)
- Classic (C’thun)
- Wotlk (Yogg’saron)
- MoP (Y’ssarj)
- BFA (Nzoth)
Faction War.
So not to threadbump artificially, but I’ve been playing a little of War3 every night for the past week or so. Human campaign was eh, I think it felt like a slog since I’ve played through that one twice before. Conclusion was cool. Undead campaign kind of dragged (2 missions to take Silvermoon seems like overdoing it) but I’m liking the Orc campaign so far.
I do have to wonder why Grom Hellscream sounds completely different from his Warcraft 2 self though. Like his voice is two octaves lower.