Is there a larger Fel force out there?

I’m a little behind on a lot of cosmic forces, but from the way I see it Sargeras was just a Titan who chose to use the Fel as a way to cleanse the universe. But he wasn’t the one who created it.

The Shadowlands had their Pantheon of Death, the Void Lords are the Pantheon of the Void, the Titans are the Pantheon of Order, and apparently there’s a Pantheon of Life.

So since Sargeras was just a corrupted Titan, is it possible there’s a Fel Pantheon out there in a Fel realm or something?


Fel magic is a byproduct of Disorder. I’m sure there’s a Disorder Patheon out there. Not sure what one such Patheon would look like, but I imagine it would be chaotic and or destructive in nature.


If there is a pattern to what we have seen with the titans and now the shadowlands then there should be a force of disorder.

It’s kind of funny that the burning legion is a consequence of the titans and order.


That’s arguably how it was able to cause so much destruction largely unimpeded for so long. Theoretically Order or Disorder just “doing their thing” fits into the paradigm of how the universe is meant to work, but since it was the power and agents of Disorder forced to operate according to an Ordered purpose, none of the other cosmic powers could really face it head-on. Hence why the forces of Light and Void in the Great Dark had been largely driven back by the Legion’s march, unable to meet it on an even footing and limited to striking at the periphery of its holdings, raiding outposts and isolated shattered worlds.

The pure manifestation of Disorder as fel basically doesn’t belong in the physical universe, as its very presence is fundamentally antithetical to the Ordered structure of things there, so it rampantly breaks down the Order of everything it touches into more fel. Disorder is a natural part of reality, but fel is such potent and unrestrained Disorder that even the Ordered presence of arcane energy can’t properly stymie it. Under normal circumstances the inherent disunity and conflicting natures of Disorder’s own agents would prevent any sort of truly coordinated demonic invasion from threatening the entirety of existence, but since Sargeras and his regimented eredar hierarchy imposed Ordered structure and organization upon the demons’ efforts, they were able to systematically bring the fel to trillions of worlds in service to the same shared goal of destroying reality.


It would be pretty on brand for current Blizzard to drag the beloved and established Burning Legion through the mud by declaring them just a pawn of the DISORDERLY PANTHEON.

A double pawn, as they were strung along by Zovaal to begin with. A triple pawn, as the Dreadlords continue to play games! All in the name of the hallowed Poke’mon type chart that is Azeroth’s cosmology.


I think a good way to introduce the concept of a Fel Pantheon would be to say that they had a fate similar to the Titan Pantheon of Order. That long ago, Sargeras defeated the Fel Pantheon, and that is how he was able to claim leadership over the Fel. A bit of a retcon, but it would not be history breaking - it would be more like filling in some blanks about how Sargeras took over the Legion.

And with his defeat, maybe some Demons seek out a way to unleash/resurrect their captured/hidden/dead pantheon.


Isn’t the Twisting Nether the Fel realm? Like, it is to Fel and Disorder what the Shadowlands are to Death? That was my interpretation of what I’ve read of the lore, anyway.

As for a Fel pantheon, I’d put nothing past Blizzard writing at this point, but I think that what some other posters here have said is true, and that Fel/Disorder is more like the primordial state of a universe that hasn’t been shaped into anything, and is just a natural part of the cosmic makeup of matter and existence. That’s why using it is so deadly and destructive. It’s essentially what’s left after a universe has completely fallen apart and every atom has stopped being bound to its particles, and it forcibly imposes that state on things that it is artificially forced to interact with. In a world without magic users bypassing the natural order, the Twisting Nether is just what’s left when universes fall apart.

Or at least that’s my take. I’ve studied lore obsessively but there’s so much of it I don’t feel right claiming to be an expert. If anyone knows more than me, please chime in!

According to Firim he is of the opinion that all 6 Cosmic Forces have a Zereth attached to them for what it’s worth.

Of course Zereths are specifically for creating the Cosmic Realms in the first place so it the Twisting Nether’s Zereth is probably the processing facility that sorts the Disorder from the creation of Universes and discards it in the form of the Twisting Nether.


Oh, good to know, thanks! I noped out of the last year or so of Shadowlands so I missed that sort of thing. And your idea for what a Fel Zereth would be is awesome, I think I’ll take it as headcanon.

Given that we now know that there was a Zereth created for the ‘Realm of Disorder’ it stands to reason that there is a ‘realm’ somewhere which a larger demonic force inhabits.

That being said, I don’t think Blizzard will move in the cosmology direction again for a while, so it’s not likely that we’ll ever see it, meaning that we’ll just be dealing with the Legion, who are not defeated just yet and still have many of their leaders alive and able to come back later to annoy us.

I read somewhere in the lore that in the deepest reaches of the nether there are ancient powerful demonic entities that the crusade didn’t dare try to induct or even approach for fear of their reaction.


Pukes on the floor
I hate myself for saying this, but there is probably going to be some post-modern lore of the Fel Lords having their hands in everything too.
If anyone knows anything about Warhammer(which WoW was inspired by) the Chaos(Fel) Gods, they are simplistic, but there is one. The best one. Tzeentch, who is all about change. The fact that Sargeras drank the fell is likely the intent of some Fel lord of change, to bring about something else.
The fact they had Plankval as the mastermind shows they sort know their own source material, but are too lazy to set it up.

Smacks self What am I doing? I should know better.
The Fel Lords will just be Diablo references.

Fel and Void seem somewhat interchangeable. Both seem to stand for chaos except fel is coloured by old school catholicism and the Void with new age weird science fiction.

If there was a fel pantheon it would be preoccupied with warring amongst itself.

that’s literally just warhammer chaos gods.


Which absolute loser flagged my post? What the actual hell? I’m posting it again. This place is run by absolute clowns.

I doubt the fel would have one central leadership. Just a chaotic algamation of demonkind as a whole. With no titan-like force such as Sergeras, I imagine they remain just that. Chaotic, unled, as such a “pentheon” would potentially just be arch-demons of immense power who work independently of each other. Similarly to the void lords.

But if these ‘figureheads’ so to speak did exist, they wouldn’t be as powerful combined as Sargeras was as a single entity, as they’d have told Sargeras in no short terms to “Shove it”.

I mean…

I didn’t flag it, but the masked profanity at the end is the only thing wrong with the entire post. Remove that and there’s nothing else wrong with what you’ve written.

If you can’t type the words you want to type, because you get told ‘your post contains inappropriate words’ typing random symbols to mask the word isn’t any better.


Yeah, it is better to avoid “masked profanity” and just get creative with your vulgar allusions.

When I see someone use “masked profanity”, I think : “they probably are going to get flagged or suspended anyway… they know this… why bother…”

I certainly did not flag you, but if you got forum action, it was probably that. Maybe even a Mod happened to read it without anyone flagging it.

Just remove that little “word” at the end and it would be fine. If there are Mods paying attention, reposting the same thing you got flagged for might not be a good idea, if you enjoy posting.

Would beings of Disorder even have the ability to organize into a pantheon? Sargeras was a being of Order so he was capable of organizing the demons into the Legion, but it would go against the entire concept of Disorder if that were true for something like a “Fel Lord”. If there are Fel Lords it would make sense that they are in constant war with one another, incapable of uniting into a pantheon.

Why should the pantheon need to be united? If there are multiple beings at the top level of chaos, then that is the Fel Pantheon. Cooperation between them is not a requirement.


I read the same lore tidbit long ago as well… I think but can’t remember if it’s lore from the green fire quest.

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