Is there a horde equivalent to the alliance RUIN community?

I haven’t been in a close BFN event in months …

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I was lucky and landed one on the DH. I went right after it finished.:joy:

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Normally when i join one fresh the horde win it without a problem unless ruin dumps a bunch of raid groups into the phase.

Well, we don’t cheat like Ruin does. Ba dum dum tiss! :stuck_out_tongue: If you join the pvp groups listed Horde side, while in them, communities are mentioned. Join them and find a few you like. I run with 95% of the Horde communities. That’s the best way to get in on any action. We don’t do many BfN because they are irrelevant pretty much. But we do Korrak’s and some wpvp. Last night we hit up the assault out of boredom while waiting in q.

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Sounds like fun

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Using the group finder isn’t cheating, but I guess whatever helps float your boat.

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I’ve seen your group finder work at Mechagon while a friend and I were bounty.

Thx for the honor.


tbo I hope not cause that community is bogging down servers and just making it unplayable. Ruin is just trash. When you have to lag out a server in order to catch a win thats just petty.

I hope blizzard takes a good look at this and fixes this toxic behavior. Put limits on the amount of players in a zone pvp event or not. I mean lets get real here! Everyone in WM likes pvp or they wouldn’t be there but when you are lagging so hard you can’t react to another players actions thats just not fun. So yeah Ruin your living up to your name and ruining the fun Gj! You haven’t shown anyone anything except hay you organized a lot of ppl cool but you failed at playing.


ive SEEN a group named MI10 in group finders LATELY, they seem NEW joined ONE of their battles they had 100 people. If THEY become more active THEN it might be equivalent to ruin on HORDE.

No please … big communities lag the server and don’t let the rest of us play in peace . Server does not care whether the zerg is horde or alliance

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Sounds laggy

Sounds like another Horde mad they don’t get gimme wins any more and have to fight for them.

Nothing more toxic than coming onto the forums and QQing because you got PvP’d in war mode.

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TBH I find horde (or alliance) who cry about Battle for Naz and/or “lag because ally groups came in” laughable.


What I find funny is when people suggest to “just make raids unable to move around” as if that will result in balanced battles of Nazjatar, what it will do is merely just make whoever faction dominates warmode on that server win and it is mostly horde for NA/EU, in other words what they are saying is they simply want to have easier victories as if they dont already have the advantage but need something to use as an excuse instead of admitting that.

BFN only triggers when there are balanced numbers on that shard … it shd definitely be locked down once the event starts so that outside raid groups don’t mess up the nos

Funny how even when they naturally happen because of “balanced” numbers one side dominates.

I play in Oce, where alliance dominates, when it pops alliance always easily wins without even needing to bring raids.

Use your brain, that is what blizzard said, doesnt mean the algorithm that judges that does the same, they are absolutely not balanced.

So unless I see an ACTUAL solution that balances the issue, all ideas i read are just excuses from horde that already dominates EU and NA and want to get even more free wins

The system is unbalanced and to horde’s favor overall, crying that you lose some to some other unbalanced system that favors the alliance is just sad.

Maybe because it’s never ‘balanced’ after the first couple of minutes ?

Nope not at all no one could move. Thanks for thinking of me though!

Edit: Oh btw sharding in with 40+ on the flag cap points and just lagging the place out is not pvp. You may think it is but it’s not. o/

So is 20 horde murdering 6 alliance so I dont see your point either way, things are unbalanced, unless there is a solution that actually balances things I see no point whining about why that unbalance doesnt favor the horde while the unbalance that favors you exist and is way more prevelant.

Point is the shard should be locked once it’s started. This has been said already. If that where to happen those 6 where in a bad place or better yet should have asked for more ppl from “their” server to pitch in. If the factions are skewed from the get go (let me remind you for BFN to start it had to be even already) then there needs to be a que system to even have the ability to pvp/control points during the event. That would prevent outside influence controlling that servers win(i.e multi raids spawning on top of flag points easy clapping the event). Hell might add this too force relocation of all new players to the event to their respective town hub to prevent said easy caps by shear numbers.