Is there a cap for brann levels before 60?

Yea yea, the classic 55 DK also solod the raid on mythic

How is it screw everyone, everything else is account wide so you already get your reps up and everything else

Flat put punished via brann power for not playing as many alts as possible

you aren’t getting punished for not levelling bran.

you are a blood dk, you can easily solo a tier 8 without brann.

tier 8s are where the gear rewards stop.

I’m not a blood dk?

See, now I can’t trust anything you say cuz you are a verifiable liar

then switch your specialization to blood and you’re gtg… i don’t see any issues here.

Oh dear. You’re in the dimense of the Centaur King and the Orly Owl now.

Why do I have to switch specs, that won’t give brann anymore exp that I’m being punished for because I dont play 10 different characters

Yeah. Wasnt sure if that was curios too or just over all. So on my first curio I saw it was overall :slight_smile:

if you can’t solo your delves (which should be very easy for you at 599 ilvl regardless of spec), then you still have the option of grouping with a friend or a guildmate who can help you.

See now you’re just going off about my ability to play the game, a thing that has 0 connection to branns level

I’ve already done 8s, they’re not hard

But I am still punished for not playing alts to level him up

then brann’s level is entirely irrelevant for you.

Guy doesn’t even know the stuff connected to branns level

This is why you should never engage with 55 dk alt, don’t even play the game or have any clue about stuff

you said tier 8 delves aren’t hard… if they are so easy for you, then you should be able to do them without brann, right?

Anyway if Titanspite wants a CSF-flavoured answer –

If you think you’d encountered a bug, you will want to post to the Bug Reports forum. Please keep in mind that the developers don’t reply unless they desire more information.

You’ll likely want to include information such as:

  • Character (and realm)
  • Date, time
  • Delve you were reviewing
  • Other details – e.g. Brann was 31 and you expect him to progress further

Maybe you can run a delve and see if he gains experience at all, then submit that as well. Make sure it’s super clear what you are doing.

If you feel this is by design and should change, you’ll want to … probably post in the Dungeon forum.

Yep, and I have, you can see my achievements related to it

Not my fault you don’t know the other stuff connected to branns level, have fun trolling elsewhere though

well they sent this thread to die so ig i wont get a clarification lol

i know everything that is connected to brann’s level but the delves are so easy that none of that matters to me.

You very obviously don’t if you think the only thing connected to branns level is related to difficulty

what is there to know? i solo’d a tier 11 with no deaths when brann was like level 17

Ah, nah – sometimes someone will weigh in but CSF is more about policy, sending people to the correct resource, and so on. :slight_smile:

Anyway if it’s in here I expect it’s a probably a dev (e.g. intentional) decision. If there’s enough good feedback, the developers will have a think over it.

Good luck!

Yet here you are, seemingly incapable of NOT engaging exactly what you’re suggesting people never engage.

*The 55 DK alt is also giving you the absolute business rn. All around not a good look for you in this thread, you should dip out.