Is the plan to change Classic era?

If they close the Classic Era servers many of us will be gone from WoW.


Seems like it.

I don’t think they would close or shut down the servers because then we would lose characters which they seem pretty against. What I’m saying is changing classic era to make it easier, class changes, new items etc… whatever changes they think would bring in more players. Would that be a separate thing or take the place of Classic era? Or do we just not know for now.

If classic era is converted to classic +, many will be done with wow. Classic+ will likely be its own thing, and where the SoD toons go when SoD is over.


If a Classic + comes out by taking over Era/any future “nochanges fresh”, and especially if it’s like SoD with the same sort of focus/mindset going into it I’m done for good.

My Cata toons mean nothing to me, same with my Retail ones like the toon I started when I played WoW on day 1, so it’s not about that at all.

As for those interviews yes a Classic + was hinted at STRONGLY, and there was that mention again about how SoD was to test things for a future Classic +, but if it would take over Era wasn’t really discussed.


the poor sods


I don’t have a reference on the tip of my fingers, but believe blizzard has stated that Era is supposed to be a permanent vanilla wow place with minimal/no changes. Obviously changes have happened, but seeing the recent reversal of MoS gives me hope they will continue to honor that, and the Legacy of vanilla wow.

I truly think MoS is a good change, however Era is not the right place for that change. They realized that with the feedback given. I think they’re wise enough to realize Era needs to remain minimal changes.

I think they are also very aware of the demand for a Classic+ experience. If “no changes” is on the far left of the extremes, SoD is on the far right of the extreme. They stated so much in the interview as well, saying SoD is the most changes they’d likely ever have in a classic wow experience.

It’s good that they had a chance to test things with SoD. I think we’ll see a true classic+ coming in the next year or two, one that is much closer to the left side of the extremes. Much more aligned to what I commonly read as people’s desires for Classic+ (which I’ll again say, I do not believe there’s a true consensus of what Classic+ is despite people saying everyone wants the same thing).

My guess is this:
Era remains forever with only critical infrastructure changes (UI updates, client updates, which I hate but I understand is needed for the long term operationalization of 10 flavors of vanilla wow), or game breaking fixes (boons, PvP rehaul, which they deemed needed to stop game breaking behaviors the players introduced).

Season of X a sort of live, ephemeral beta for changes in classic wow. Clearly there’s demand for this seasonal style, and I forsee it sticking around every few years. I could see “Season of Classic+” (for lack of a better name) coming after SoD concludes, and a break happens.

Fresh Era servers I think sometime at the end of SoD, we’ll see a new fresh era server. I don’t think we’ll see a reset ever (I pray not) but do think we’ll see isolated fresh realms happen one day. I can’t see this happening until after SoD ends, and once they need a stimulus boost once Cata Classic and War Within hype/subs start to fade.

Classic+/WoW 2.0 - I really think they’ll start with Classic+ in the seasonal mold, but I could also see them going all the way with it. If they’re really confident in the balance of changes/content I could see them going through the effort to relaunch this outside of the Season of X framework and making it its own thing. What that looks like, I don’t know. Could be an entire engine/graphics overhaul with expanded vanilla wow content. Could be the same engine and graphics we have today in Era/SoD with the expanded content.

I don’t think there’s a world where they take over Era with Classic+. I could be wrong. I have a splinter of faith left in blizzard, enough to beleive they aren’t stupid enough to obliterate Era by turning it into Classic+… if they do… its over for quite a few of us. Perhaps they don’t care as Classic+ will be popular. But to destroy the last vestige of Vanilla WoW that exists in an official capacity seems so stupid, short sighted, and would destroy the legacy and preservation of the original WoW (despite some changes existing already, I know).

2c for ya


Classic Era offers something no other version of WoW can offer: a true end game, an end to the hamster wheel, a goalpost that doesn’t move. It offers the opportunity to get to a point where you have accomplished literally everything there is to accomplish in the game. If they add new gear or new mounts or any of that then they will have compromised that.


Yeah if they turned Era into Classic+ I am gone; all accounts closed and off to 1.12 realms.


This plus the fact that vanilla pvp is very good makes Era amazing as is.


Era is BiS.

And I saw Al in BG’s last game. I waved.


Im having a hard time playing Classic Era right now as it is.
The new patch that came out nerfed a lot of things; that most people can’t really tell.

  1. Razorgore - No AoE Fire happened at all after eggs destroyed
  2. Vael - Went down super fast (this raid was in greens and blues)
  3. Broodlord - Not one tank went below 75% health on any of the attacks
  4. Firemaw - dies much quicker, and people in the same greens and blues were standing in x9 fire stacks
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I saw. Didn’t have time to wave back though. Too busy smashing faces.


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Yeah i felt that

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This is where I have empathy for the Classic team.
Much has been made of spaghetti code and the difficulty they’ve had with making adaptations “seamless”. There’s been disappointment that less vanilla-like solutions were chosen. While I would have preferred the team ignore cries for modifications, most times they are vilified either way. Yes, they have a job to do but I’m betting that’s not a fun place to be boxed into.

There’s a lot of us playing Classic Era that should take a moment of introspection and honestly analyze the following statement in the context of playing a Blizzard-provided version of the original game:
You think you do but you don’t.

I have and taken with past actions in Classic as well as retail, I’ve still not reactivated my subscriptions. A couple of weeks of silence save issuing an exclusive survey isn’t confidence-inspiring to me. I don’t believe in IP theft so this would be the end of the line for me. But what I would hope the Classic team would consider is communication in as honest a way as possible with the entire Classic playerbase regarding a more detailed roadmap discussing what is and what should never be.


Do not change era, or you’ll just see all of us flock to private servers and cancel our subs.


its because their streamer overlord who only plays once a month didn’t tell them to show outrage, like he did with the MoS

we had hit changes to the human racial nerfed (they just reverted this)

frost maul loot changes for the E’kos

but not a peep

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People wanted all the changes reverted, not just MoS. MoS was a glaring issue that caught a lot of debate cause everyone can agree things like actual bugs need to be reverted/fixed, but not everyone agrees with MoS revert.


I think that the worst that they’ll do is consolidate the classic Era servers, then use the server infrastructure that was being used to maintain the dead era realms to make fresh realms.