Is the game dead right now or what lol

And several even enjoy it.

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Not on my servers.

yea. not everyone thinks like paladins. some of us actually like variety. lol

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I’d say s1 is over personally. It’s dragging at this point


I cant imagine why those specfic servers would always be full of activity…nope. cant be that theyre both full servers with 30k+ players. nope.

We are in a bit of a lull between patches, which was likely why Plunderstorm was scheduled to be released. To keep us busy. So…yeah. Late in the season, closing in on the next, and they re-released a game mode for people to grind out. Pretty straight forward stuff.

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I wish they just polished the existing aspects of the game like the husk that is PvP.

Cool, so that means there are no issues with the game right? Right?

Uh… timewalking queues for DPS are under 8 mins.
I’ve never seen them so low.

Game is more alive than ever.

The terrible crafting system, however, should remain dead.

An Epic Battleground revamp would easily keep me around for a few more years.

Or even a few new ones.

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Can you show me where I claimed there are no issues?

All I said was my servers aren’t dead and haven’t been.

If you can find in there some magical way to pull out words that don’t exist that spell out “there are no bugs in the game,” then please tell me your secret!

Depends on what server you’re on. If you’re on a dead server, yeah, it’s gonna be rough.

MG is still very active and I imagine every high to full pop realm is the same.

I’ll go with “or what”

It’s probably a bit deader than DF, but nothing to doom about. It’s not near as bad as the end of some SL seasons. That expac sucked :peach:

9 month gesto so would be virgo or libra. lots of capricorns thanks to st patricks day alcohol and slump busters.

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Blunderstorm is out and people are waiting for Undermine

It’s super fun. I say this as someone who hates Fortnite.

I’m seeing the usual suspects. lol
I don’t see any less people on my server group. Feels good. (spirestone group) I haven’t been on dentarg in sometime so not sure about there.
Maybe it’s your server?

Not to mention we are nearing the end of S1

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It might be my server yeah, logged on now near the bank in Dorn, if I spin my character and count just the ppl I see, it’s 14 ppl lol. At 642 pm.

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