Is sub still allowed to have shadowy duel and bomb?

At the same time

Yes. 10 char…

danngg, another rogue expac. good to see they un-did all of those pvp reductions on their abilities as well.

lil timmy needs his free glad, don’t h8


All the rogues are whining right now because everyone’s putting their specs in A tier. So rogues totally not viable at all.

Timmy is such a chad for only ever playing RMP or RM in 2s. He sticks with it despite all the ups and ups the comp faces.

Wait till you see Demon Hunters

Love how you put that since they don’t get get downs. :grin:

Wait its all rogue xpacs???!?

and shadowblades was made a 2 minute cooldown from 3 minutes and they can talent for 2 vanishes.

yep, there is a lead blizz dev that mains rogue, not even trolling.

my buddy just messaged me
“idk man sub feels kinda brawly, i’m not really scared of anything lol”

what i read
“lol sub is a tank spec like outlaw was last xpac”

have you even gone up against a fully geared dh yet. They can kill somebody 100-0 in a couple of globals and cant be killed during there damage cds. OH also they got fear and poly dr cc now at the same time on top of 2 stuns and on top of the highest consistent dps in arena.

That’s a lot of people this expansion, apparently. Wild ride incoming.

I think warlocks should get a 6 second disarm.

:earth_asia: :astronaut: :gun: :astronaut: always has been

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lowkey kinda swole sub cant sprint on water anymore