Is Shadowlands even worth being called an expansion?

Blizzard merged with Activision in July 2008. Which was still within TBC’s patch cycle. Even if it was late into TBC’s timeframe.

Wrath pre-patch came out October 2008.

I mean, if you are going to make falsehoods, make sure they can’t be easily checked via google. =)

Incorrect. Activision may have BEGUN arrangements in 2008, but Blizzard as a SOLO company had already finished ALL production for the Burning Crusade and MOST of the development of WoLK BEFORE Activision started having any say.
Edit typo I meant 2008.

Pot meet kettle. Better luck next time, champ :slight_smile:
en.wikipedia (dot) org/wiki/Activision_Blizzard#Background_and_formation_(2007%E2%80%932008)


Isnt Mists one of the most divisive expacs between people who love it and people who really hate it…making it one of the least scoring expacs on Metacritic?

You’re not but all that proves is that there’s a lot of dorks with too much time on their hands, unfettered internet access and an inability to not take a video game so seriously.

Legion was trash. It only looked great because you’re comparing it to WoD.

Not a single vanilla+ player thought legion was “ good”

Legendaries were a failure
Invasions a failure
Raids undertuned
Gear overtuned

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Oh… did I miss an announcement where they gave more than a teaser for the new expansion? One that actually shows some more details? Cause I’m pretty sure we’ve gotten what amounts to a sneak peak teaser with no real flesh to it.

cata was pretty ok with good additions to the game

the only bad thing at the time was DS, and was not that big of deal

shadowlands sneak peak was underwhelming.

Unpruning classes isn’t an expansion feature as that was done in the middle of legion with a patch.


In chess, there’s no item level. The PvP ranking system is based on chess, but, you don’t get perks in chess, like no proc effects, no equipping a pawn with an item to take pieces in front of them. There’s no Rooks move twice or Bishops may zig zag over allies.


There’s no gear in Chess, and in the Colliseum, Gladiators did not choose the armor and weapons to wield against lions and other fighters. That’s a gameplay first place to start.

Why use Chess ratings but not give players even (not equal, even) stats? A player may get carried to a Mythic weapon and dominate so early in the season, knocking skillful players down without item level.

I understand Sylvannas breaking the Firmament and the Maw. A great deal of the occult symbolism in Blizzard games goes over most gamers’ heads.

I don’t understand why we have timewalking but no removal of reputation gates for flying in previous expansions.

Warcraft is in a state right now I call the Kitchen Sink.

Dirty dishes are being left in the sink until the Kitchen stinks. That’s shadowlands right now, it’s procrastination. I’ll do it later when the Art teams are finished.

Do it now. Repair this now, before Spring.

There’s not a lot Shadowlands is bringing to expand content, and I don’t think I have actually purchased a box copy of an expansion since WotLK.

I want a Shadowlands authenticator, a collectible item, and no, not a full suite collectors’ edition, I just want it too look like marketing gave a flying %$#&.

There’s going to be a Garrison/Class Hall/War Campaign companion app for your Covenant. That’s not going away and no, it never has been and never will be fun. Twas whimsical to send Vargoth on a failing mission intentionally but fun? Never.

I don’t think it’s an expansion, it’s just a new continent, another level cap raise, and just a weird vibe in general. NOW, if Shadowlands purchases unlocked ALL Allied Races and flying for previous expansions, that’s an Xpac I’d want to buy in a heartbeat for convenience.

I don’t like the idea of having to unlock classes and races if I purchased the new expansion. I may have friends that may want to be recruited and want to start a Mechagnome at the start. Who knows?

U guys want the money, focus on making the content great, not bigger. Think David and Goliath. David slings ^%$# harder, even though the Creator gave him less to work with. Less is more; time is money; equity is blood, sweat and tears.

all you will end up doing in shadowlands is what you are doing now in will get your rng lootbox on tuesday,lfr/n/h raids since most cant do mythic and grinding a tower instead an island.

shadowlands is bfa 2.0 a patch rather then an expansion.


cata also changed the world to poo

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I’d prefer it if Shadowlands was 8.4. Unless they plan on announcing more stuff for it at BlizzCon 2020, it needs more stuff to be an expansion pack.

How did you get 2007 from 2008?

I think you need to learn how to read dates.

Even your own source says they merged in July 2008. Two-thousand and Eight.

On July 8, 2008, Activision announced that stockholders had agreed to merge, and the deal closed the next day for an estimated transaction amount of US$18.9 billion

Which is exactly what I said. It is so funny that you had to pretend that I said 2007 in order to feel “correct”.

They merged while TBC was still the current expansion. Doesn’t matter if TBC was done and dusted as Wrath was around the corner. You said they merged during Wrath, which is factually incorrect. You didn’t say wrath development, you just said during Wrath. Which means when it was live.

This same question gets asked every time a new expansion is announced.

Yes, Shadowlands is worth being called an expansion. Not having a new class or race does not mean it can’t be considered an expansion.

I never knew Emerald Nightmare was the only raid in Legion.

Hell, at some point close to 2000 guilds were stuck on mythic Spellblade or Krosus prog during Nighthold.

Fallen Avatar and Kil’jaeden were overtuned on mythic. Kil’jaeden had the highest amount of wipes until Uu’nat came along.

Are we talking about the 7.2 invasions or the 7.3 invasions?

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It’s pretty simplistic to rate BFA as bad. It would be better to give specific feedback as to what you liked and didn’t like for Blizz to see what worked and what didn’t.

After getting Pathfinder, I am still wondering why it took so long to put flying in BFA. BFA looks great from the air. I even get attacked by flying things on occasion. I like that. I’m not getting waiting a year into an expansion to provide flying. It doesn’t seem like smart game design, it seems annoying.

I can see putting in some requirement like get one character to 120, but after that I don’t see why it is so important for everyone to play on the ground for most of an expansion for the first year. It’s not fun. I don’t see how it is necessary.

Your hatred for demon hunters is basically a forum meme at this point, but I’ve got to admit, I never get tired of seeing it :stuck_out_tongue:


Let me tell you a secret:

It was always a meme lol

They probably don’t have the resources to make a new class, or rework the old ones.

WoLK: Great + New class
Cata: Bad - No new class
MoP: Great + New class
WoD: Bad + no new class
Leg: great + New class
BFA: Bad + no new class

This pattern reminds me of the theory that there are two dev teams. The legion team will be making SL if that’s true. Most people think that theory is bogus, but look at the pattern. Doesn’t BFA kinda feel like WOD as well?

I expect to be accused of wearing a tin foil hat, but if the theory fits…

Shrug, I thought Cata far better than MoP.