Is paladin the only class that gets aggresively nerfed MID SEASON all the time?

Why couldn’t they just wait for season to be over for substantial nerfs like wog nerf?

They wait all the time for other classes, to finish the whole season, before they shake things up again. Like the past expansions being all DH / Monks, they sure didn’t nerf them mid season. Or owlplay lasted whole season, warlock chaos bolts lasted whole season.

This reminds me of cataclysm when they nerfed us so hard after a month.

Why does blizz pick on us so fast?


They nerfed Fire Mages and Boomkins too.

That said, they handled them with kiddy glove nerfs (6% fire damage? Come on.)

I’m more concerned about Blizzard’s tact, because they clearly are less interested in being precise with paladins.


It’s more accurate to say that ret is consistently nerfed mid season, aggressively or not.

The issue is that our game play is so concentrated into a small handful of abilities that if they are overturned we become monstrous and if they are nerfed our middling base damage leaves us floating at the middle of the pack.

Retribution needs a rework, a complete rework.


Did you forget that they heavily nerfed sub rogues and mm hunters before trying to tone down rets or ??


More sustain. Less wings burst. I know it’s Ret’s niche, but the kit can never be properly adjusted when our foundation is busted.

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More sustain means smaller windows for judgement and blade of justice ? Our generators are capped and apart from gcd there is a large gap before we can do this again. 12 seconds.

Crusader strike yes it’s good with 2 charges. Maybe judgement should be given 2 charges and blades of justice the same so when we get to close enough to something after being kited we do some serious sustain damage. After all our offense and defence based on how much holy power we can obtain. Tv and wog being spenders

I was thinking of something like BM Hunter which for those of you familiar reduces the cooldown on its Cool down ability (beastial wrath) through optimal play. So something long lines ‘reduces the cooldown of avenging wrath for every holy power spent’ which would reward optimal decision making. The more holy power you generate and spend, The more DPS you do. The trade off is that our cooldown will boost our damage slightly less while our rotational abilities and holy power spenders do a little more damage.

But we’re off track here. This topic is about the PVP kit, and we are balanced around the amount of burst (and burst heals) we do when our wings are up. That’s what I meant about our foundation needing to be fixed before you can address all the other tools in our bag

Nerf wasn’t that bad tbh you can still pump with wog and healing hand talent

Is this a serious thread? All paladin specs are out of control right now… you deserved way more nerfs than you got. They didn’t even touch your damage. Ridiculous…

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Because ret pallys are busted right now lmao. All pally specs are busted right now. Y’all need to get over it. It was much needed

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its really not.

we got shadow priest go back to full health in 2 shadow mends. all druids convoking and killing you in 1 gcd. boomys going from 10 hp to 100 in 1 gcd. mages combust melting you in 2 seconds even with your defensives up, but lets all gang up on the ret pallys ONLY survival ability after the “op” FIVE minute cd bubble.


hey man hunters got nerfed before arenas started and like 2 days after arenas started

Pals/Hunters/Shams have all been the target of mid season nerfs over and over. It’s a meme at this point.


They deserve way more. When every single team has either an hpally or a ret, there is an issue…

What about the fact that almost every team has a Disc/Mage/WW? How is not acceptable when it’s paladins, but not every other class?


You’re legit a night fae boomkin, your spec is more broken. And don’t even bring up the convoke nerf, all it did was remove full moon but those star surges still hit for 20k+ back to back.


Boomies are the last people to be talking down to people about accepting nerfs when they still have the ability to global people in a CD just like Fire Mages.

Your ‘bad day’ is a freaking joke.

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Hunters were nerfed from tier S to almost unplayable in arena.

It’s true. I’m told that blizzard specifically hates paladins…until I go to any other whiny class thread and find that they actually hate all classes.

This definitely can’t be perception bias on your part.

I imagine every day during their morning coffee all blizzard employees imagine ways to sabotage the game that pays their bills.