Is Melee Hunter going to be removed?

Because melee SV was popular in Legion? This is what grasping at straws looks like.
“Next expansion people will start to love it, trust me!”

Its good that you personally are having fun. I had a lot more fun with the previous iteration of SV, using the Explosive Shots. The current rotation is pretty bland and formulaic. It would be a lot more fun if we had the RSV back.


Well, that’s probably because you maimed it. That poor toon.

I’m making a dumb joke about main vs maim.


I don’t care if it’s popular or not. I care that’s a fun spec. Popularity happens after people realize that, it took time for trolls to be popular. Years. There racial was good, now they are one of the most played horde races. They always had good racials since wotlk, yet over time more people started playing them.

Old sv hunter was nice, I used to pvp with that sometimes. But I still like the new one, it’s more fun imo now. If they brought the old one back as a fourth spec I wouldn’t mind. I would just ask why do we need another dps role in hunter when we can have a healing or tank spec.

Another thing could be to make it based on what weapon you put. If you put a ranged weapon your strikes turn to shots. And if you put a melee weapon its all strikes. I personally like the using both ranged and melee ideas. Since most melee classes have ranged spells too. And it would make sense for hunters to use more then one weapon like fps games. Where I can switch from a shotgun, to a warpblade, to a bazooka, to a sniper rifle.

I still maintain Survival Hunter should have been the Tinkerer spec

Yea, YOU might like it, but your tears mean nothing to me.

MSV has been proven to be the least played hunter spec since it’s implementation, it’s 1 of 3 of the lowest represented specs out of ALL the classes along with demo locks and feral druids, as well as it hasn’t been in the top dps logs since the very first patch it was created.

Despite what you might read from the white knighters, hunters dont want to play a melee spec. There are by far better melee specs to play than MSV. Not only that but the playstyle has been atrocious. Up until SL, the rotation (if you can even call it a rotation) was clunky and almost unplayable at best. Up until 9.1.5, the ST build revolved playing trap leggo, forcing u to place a trap every 10 sec or so. It was the WORST and clunkiest rotation I’ve ever played.

Recently the spec has been tuned to do ok dps in aoe situations, but thats about it. In 9.2, the tier sets plus 2 leggo playstyle verifies this and blizz plans on MSV to be an aoe spec.

Look, I don’t think MSV needs to be deleted, although it really doesn’t belong in the hunter class. If blizz was smart, and they are not, they would implement ranged Survival as a 4th spec. Most hunters have been extensively requesting it back.

Now, b4 I get any heat for saying that a half melee - half ranged hunter spec is NOT playable or a viable spec in wow, let me say this: it’s not, lmfao. If you want to play something like that go play COD with a melee weapon and a sniper rifle, bc that’s literally what your asking. It does NOT have a place in wow.


I like my survival hunter. Why would anyone want to remove it? Go play one of the other specs if survival isn’t your jam.

Well, for one, that is what most are asking for, when it comes to this class. People are asking for RSV to come back because they enjoyed that playstyle and fantasy, one that isn’t available anywhere else.

Two, neither healing nor tanking really has any ground to stand on when it comes to the Hunter class. Thematically, they do not fit. And, tanking as a role, while relying on the pet AI, would be beyond horrendous as an experience in group-based content.

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Hunter’s could definetly be tanks if designed right. SV hunter comes to mind. A tanky version of that would be nice for tanking. Stuff like a talent that let’s your pet share health with you like spirit bond. Traps helping you manage adds. Having your pet be the tank temporarily as a cd. Bunch of stuff they can do.

Although if they add the ability to switch to any class I wouldn’t mind it so much to add another version of ranged hunter. Old SV hunter was more of a magical dps spec then ranged physical.

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I’d support this option so long as it remained Melee.

In casual content with my GF’s Beastmaster Hunter, I would basically tank with my pet while they ranged.

Not entirely sure what you mean here, are you saying that you want RSV brought back as a different class?

Only Black Arrow and Arcane Shot were magical in that sense. The rest was either purely physical, or, due to limitations within the game’s core design, other abilities dealt damage that wasn’t physical, but still, wasn’t magical either.

Besides, if anything, there’s little to no support for the idea that we as hunters conjure said magic ourselves. In fact, most lore makes it more about how hunters either hire other schooled magicians, or simply buy arrows/projectiles augmented by magic. Heck, even in the new starting experience, the quest chain that involves teaching us about traps, we seek help from a nearby mage to infuse the mechanical trap with Frost magic.

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It was mixed magic and physical. Stuff like munitions enchanting bullets, fire damage from explosives, the traps dealt magic damage, poisons were nature based. Dark Arrow was shadow damage.

MM has mostly physical damage as well, but they put some of the old sv magics into MM.

SV has the magic damage in there bombs. I tend to focus more on what sources give me damage since I play nightborne. Old SV definitely had more magic damage. Right now the covenant abilities are a huge source of magic damage too.

Arcane shot was also used that’s arcane based damage too.

melee hunter won’t be removed. it’d be too embarassing a climbdown. i’ve got no horse in this race - i’ve played BM since TBC, through thick and thin, though the top of the charts and the absolute bottom - but whenever I see a survival hunter in the wild I get all excited, like a bird-watcher who found a bald eagle in his garden in florida, or bigfoot fanatics seeing me out and about at the store when i haven’t waxed my legs for three weeks.

I’ve even got a lil spotters’ book! If I find 10 of you I’ve been told I’ll get a stamp that gives me 1 free accidental face pull in my next key, and let me tell you, this face is ready.


Sadly, which is why I hope for classic cata/mop


From a lore standpoint, melee BM makes the most sense.

No. Leave meh spec alone!

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Bring back RSV. bring back fun.


Disagree, subjective opinion

? Definitely not my take.

SV is in a pretty good spot right now and the 9.2 tier set is strong AF on the PTR.

“Preferential treatment” as in earlier in the expac when it needed single target buffs? I mean… they were needed lol, not sure where the salt there is coming from

SV could do with a few more layers of complexity in its base form, but there would be interesting ways to do that without ripping off BM lol.

Stay salty my guy

this is how everyone that used to play ranged survival feels. blizz should just make a 4th spec so people stop arguing about this.


This, exactly. I’m not sure why this idea gets so much heat lol it makes both parties happy :man_shrugging:


Probably because it diverts resources and could result in less attention overall for the other 3 specs. Or because it’d be the same as removing RSV/MSV since Blizz would ignore the 4th spec, just like they do with Feral.

It makes a lot more sense to just offer a melee option within BM and SV, kinda like Single Minded Fury. Wouldn’t be hard to make Raptor Strike available as a universal Hunter ability again and have the player switch out Cobra Shot for Raptor Strike in the rotation if they opt into melee. The rest of the abilities can stay ranged and work like MSV’s Serpent Sting and Kill Shot. MSV is 99% ranged as is.

It’s not like current SV has anything unique besides 2 melee abilities anyways. It would completely benefit from the return of RSV if the above path is taken.

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