Is Maledict available for conquest?

Meledactyl now deals 20% of your health instantly, puts an absorb on you for the % of user’s

Shamans in ghost wolf may now be tamed by hunters and will be under the hunter’s control until that player logs out.


gottem 10 char

Sinister Aspirant’s Maledict you can equip in second trinket slot. Does 20k heal absorb and 50k instant damage.

does anyone have the cap order link?

I tell u wut, I say I tell U WUT. I’m not q’ing till something happens cuz maledict already tilts me when there’s 2 on a team, 3 is just… so unnecessary. Should put a debuff on someone so they can’t get back to back maledict.


After 80+ rated arena wins and no trinket the hype is indeed real.


pls god no


yup i just picked her up and upgraded her with a trophy :sunglasses:


just end it now

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Maledixked to da face inc !

Yep, it’s available on this week cap, everybody should have one in the next day or two. Let the chaos begin!

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Just get a TF one like I did. It’s EZ.

Epic sarcasm is epic.

I got a trophy in my chest so I too will be upgrading mine once I cap lol.

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Heaven almighty…Blizzard diablo devs have unleached the maledicts.this week… :frowning:

Hold up, you are going too far there.
Never use Diablo and devs so close to one another. Never.
Humanity is still trying to recover from one of the biggest fails of history cough D3.

Better to use it on a piece that improves all stats. Damage/absorb increase with even 30 ilvl difference on a Maledict is negligible.

Ya know, I actually contemplated this. You may be right but I don’t know what to use it on. Just about all my pieces are 400 :/. I could upgrade pants I suppose, they are a pretty heavy stat piece. Meh, I guess we’ll wait a see. My trophy is for a 405 so… didn’t wanna use it on a weapon just for 5ilvl.