Is layering good or bad? Answer here

A few days of it wouldn’t be a big deal. If it persists for a week or more then it begins to have massive effects on the game.


Ungoro is around level 40. Getting there in 2 weeks will be a feat.

There was never any issue farming leather there. I never even had an issue farming the ring there. There would be zero reason for you to hop layers to farm, you can farm it, along with others, without hoping.

Right, too much room for abuse. Just have friends that are in the different layers invite you to their party and let you stand in one spot (or in a general area) like for minerals and just get tons of chances to obtain ore you wouldn’t have otherwise obtained… It’ll def be a diff game.


The issue here Shock is there is no better solution that doesn’t have significant downsides. We either go Vanilla style and have dead servers, we go private server style and have 4-10x the resources because of dynamic respawns making this issue even worse, or we have this, which is honestly the best solution I can think of.

As to the problems there are multiple bandaids on a temporary problem, which is all that is needed. We just need bandaids, the problem is gone, the layering is temporary, there are no major issues that would be worse than the other solutions.

More servers is a big alternative. Since they love money more than gameplay, sharding (layering renamed) is only acceptable for a few days. If it goes for a month+ as they have stated it will be a massive disaster.

I imagine it will last longer than a few days. To me Layering is intended to deal with the massive amount of tourists coming from retail. In order for layering to work the way they are saying, servers will most likely start with a cap of 15k or more, and then hopefully settle to 3k after the first month.

If this is in fact what they are doing, there are two major problems. First is how they deal with servers that don’t get to a healthy population, either they lose too many, or too few. Will there be a lower server cap, or will they just allow mega servers to exists?

The second problem only applies if they do in fact lower the server cap to the vanilla levels after the mass exodus. Retail players will retain free access to Classic, so nothing stops them from returning en masse during content droughts, or to come back for a new classic phase. The problem is Classic players getting put into a login queue during these periods of time.


Nuff’ said.

But…for sake of conversation… People who are good at the game can farm the entire zone fast. I know you can’t. You aren’t the standard or issue.

The amount of people defending blizzards poor choices and completely ignoring the reality of what op is saying is insane i cant help but to feel like there are literally paid posters lurking in these forums.

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I was farming that zone when it was infested with bots, chicken little.

At level 40 none the less! I bet you cleared naxx at lvl 50 also, right?

Vanilla it was 48-55 mobs. You start farming it in the 40s.

PS; reread what I wrote, because I didn’t say “at”, I wrote around.

And what if they don’t? What if Classic is actually very popular, not only with those who have been desiring it for a decade, but with current retail players. What if the design principles of the earlier game just hold up as a fun experience and those 10k people on 4 different shards at launch are still there in 6 months time?

What happens then? Will they split a realm? Will layering simply be a permanent solution to a very temporary problem, and one that creates a whole new slew of problems that were foreseen but discounted?

And as has been mentioned, what happens between patches in retail when players usually unsub, but instead they switch over to Classic and play there? Will they reinstitute layering again?

This is really a rather ominous announcement for the development of Classic. I’m looking forward to a clarification post expanding on what the prospect of layering and the technical aspects. Until this comes I feel that the process has come slightly off the rails and the ideal of providing us the “experience” is being watered down again and again.


Rightttttttt wink

Layering is no problem IMO. If it is as they say and each layer is about the pop of a vanilla server, then I can’t understand why people could be whining. Do you really want to fight over mobs and lag all day? Do you really?

How do you do it? Honestly I want to know.

How do you read a post that is concise and full of reasons for a particular view and then respond with this?

They said they’ll open more servers. The problem isn’t necessarily 10k players per server.

It’s 10k trying to log in and start playing at the same time on launch. They expect after a month or so that people will fall into their normal play schedules and the high population won’t be a problem. At which point the can see if they need more servers.

Blizzard had a problem with opening to many servers after launch due to initial congestion, and ending up with underpopulated servers. They don’t want to repeat that.

If each layer is 3k, the starting zones will be pretty heavily congested, and you will be fighting over mobs. Not that I am against this, just saying, layering wont fix that problem if used the way you describe.

This is the point in the conversation where I realize that you and I can’t communicate.

It does fix it. If there were no shard-like tech put in it would be unplayable…like WoD launch

We have no idea what the server caps are, they straight up said they won’t tell us.

Nor does it matter. They won’t all be playing at the same time a month or two after launch. The server could cap out at 3k and have 20k people with characters on it.

Are you able to process that?

PS; to simplify for you. They’re worried about a situation where to many people try to play at once, like the original launch.