They are by no means dead. They have peaks and valleys and there is no mad rush, no time limit but they are active.
Was gonna say I see people on classic vanilla all the time. I see people all over ashkandi. And blizz won’t milk me for a permanent wrath classic option so this is where I am at right now.
Why we have vanilla anniversary I will never know. And they decided to, not give permanent bc or wrath classic era servers. It just took awhile for the vanilla communities to build up which was expected.
Seriously 7 different options for bloody vanilla to choose from lol. But zero options for wrath or bc.
Wrath classic era without a stupid dungeon finder and no heirlooms would be the best thing ever right about now.
Yup, we had a big long thread asking for TBC era and a fresh era realm.
But instead we got duped
Just logged in on my Mankrik cluster player and /who 60
capped out at 50 players. Very clearly not dead.
I have no doubt your guild died. Blizzard plugged the anniversary fresh FOMO hard and people responded. I don’t think it will last. Era bounced back before it will again. Wait it out or find a new group to play with.
Also, as Jarl pointed out, we Grobbulus players enjoy a small community experience on our server. If you’re a chill, easy going person who just wants to enjoy the content and hang out, consider rolling a character and joining us. We’ve been largely unaffected by the fresh servers, just the usual holiday dip. Our players are typically in it for the long haul and so if that’s you, come on over
Why shut them down when they can just merge them like they have been?
People will return to Era once TBC comes out as they always do.
Some people just want 1-60 without any of the modern QoL’s.
Some of us want permanent wrath classic and bc classic without all the modern Qol’s
This… the FOMO crowd come and go because it’s what they do.
Every day that goes by the Undead Troll that is Whitemane Cluster grows player base and there is nothing Blizzard can do about it.
need to shut down era, sod, and anniversary and ban the boosts/gold selling/gold buying/ dual spec …Make it a pure fresh with instant mailing, guild banks, shaman and Pallies for both factions. Slight dps buffs to classes that got no game in vanilla. The vanilla game is so terrible right now with megaservers and gold sellers/buyers, boosters.
Heck I wouldn’t care if you took away Lock summons and mage portals
Ah, memories of the promise of SoD. My oh my how that went.
In hindsight, asking modern Blizz to ‘fix’ classic WoW when none of the original team members that worked on it are around or even alive anymore wasn’t the best idea.
We have people posting that the servers are dead, and other people posting that they’re overcrowded.
I hope so just to make eyr mad
Why it’s pointless to consolidate when they are already soft merged.
The advantage to the existing setup is that right now there are more names available for new players.
This. Some day Classic Anniversary will move on to TBC. I’m looking forward to that, but I’m also anticipating that Classic Era will see another boom when it happens. Leave these servers alone, having a permanent place to play Classic Era forever when people feel like picking it up again is perfect.
The water parks are empty in December, so we should probably shut these down for good too.
I’m actually having fun doing the winterspring mount grind on Mankrik right now. it’s relaxing and even though this server cluster is “dead” I’m still competing with like 1-2 guys whenever I do it. honestly whitemane/mankrik have a nice size population, it’s like a quiet suburb. you see people around but you’re definitely not starving for mobs. it is enjoyable.
little overboard
True and even so those are the same people who would be building another “what if” server?
I’ll pass on that
i just don’t see them ever doing it with the gentle touch, skill, and deftness that would be required