Is it time to add a new main demon?

…to our existing roster (i.e., imp, succ, blueberry, fel hunt, felguard for demo)? We’ve had many new classes and specs added to the game over the last decade, yet our primary demon line-up has remained the same since Vanilla. Is it time to create and welcome a new type of summonable demon?

Since each demon fulfills a different niche (pve dps, tanking, pvp anti-caster), it would be interesting to see a melee CC pet with the following abilities:

  1. Leaps to the target and roots them for 3 seconds (20 second CD; 25 yd range; physical school)
  2. 4-second AoE melee disarm around the pet’s radius (1-minute CD; melee range; physical)

This would essentially be the melee pet equivalent of a felguard for players who prefer aff or destro. Part of why felguard is unique and helpful is because it’s primary damage and CC are physical. I think this would especially benefit new players in learning PvP by giving them some breathing room vs melee classes who tend to easily tunnel us at lower skill levels (aff is the only caster with one magic school; so melee kicks while casting are far more unforgiving).



Would actually like to see a spec specific demon for each spec like Demo has felguard. One that could play into the way the spec plays.


the cosmetic part is not prio right now
everything is broken…
I hope the next patch will fix those, at least the most crucial ones.

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Used to be how it was, Afflo used Felhunter and Destro used Imp because talents interacted with them. Now you’re supposed to use “whatever demon makes the most sense” which means felhunter because of the interrupt

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Either add more depth and abilities to the already existing ones or add more is what i say. we are not hunters and their 60 pet families. we have fewer so they should be more in depth!

Like that’s a good idea! Imagine the possibilities!
Anyone got any ideas for new demon pets?

I think at the very least they should make Spell Lock baseline and make Devour Magic the Felhunter’s Command Demon ability. Otherwise in 9/10 scenarios the other demons are just not competitive. We’d see more variety if we had a baseline interrupt like literally every other class in the freaking game


yeah I hate acknowledging it but spell lock needs to be replaced with something else for felhunter and just make the interrupt baseline. The fact that we are locked into ONE pet if we want to be useful in smaller group size scenarios is absolutely diabolical(and not in the good way). once more I look at hunter and get confused on why the other pet class doesn’t have to deal with this crap. Either improve Devour Magic or add a new ability, don’t see why this is so hard blizz.


Destruction has Infernal and Affliction has Darkglare but only as 2 minute cooldowns.

Would be awesome if they were the full time demons. And Demonology could upgrade Felguard to Demonic Tyrant.

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Bring back the doomguard

We have the Doomguard, as Doom can be talented to spawn one.

Warlock’s pets need to be reworked.

Interrupt should be baseline and the rest of the pet abilities need to be relooked.

Historically our pets have been about utility moreso than throughput, lately said utility is so lacking that we default to felhunter for the interrupt.

It’s about time we got our interrupt baseline ( not that we aren’t used to that via sac anyway).

Voidwalker should get a new utility that grants us a defensive, maybe the last stand we gain from saccing it could also affect us while the voidwalker is out ( don’t see any other reason to even use a vw these days tbh).

Succubus being the cc pet is good enough for a utility bracket, however felhunter and imp only being 1 magic dispel offensively/defensively is extremely lacking. Maybe imp can grant us phase shift , a cd that grants immunity for 3 secs, kind of like nether walk for DH.

Edit: or we could go for the passive bonus route.

Each pet grants a specific bonus while it is actice or sac’d.

Voidwalker : +10% physical damage reduction.

Felhunter : +10% magic damage reduction.

Imp : 5% crit chance reduction from damage taken & + 10% magic debuff duration reduction.

Succubus: +10% movement speed & 10% snare duration reduction.

Felguard: +5% all damage reduction & 3% crit chance reduction.

I wish all Warlock Specs could utilize the Felguard. Since it’s by far the only Minion that actually can do it’s job correctly of being a tank minion.

Either our Voidwalker is seriously messed up, or they tuned it to seriously just be “good enough” but I hate just how often and how much I’m pulling off my voidwalker. It’s literally every single pull. the moment I damage anything, regardless of how long it’s been hitting on them… Instant aggro.

I never had any problems with my Felguard. Never. This Voidwalker though. God.

Unless thats the push the person(s) in charge of our class development want, is for us to all to abandon Affliction/Destruction and go demonology.

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