Is it possible to hit 1800 in arenas by the time this season is over?

It’s fury - that’s doable in a day.

I did it in a few days of casual pugging as a warlock. Shouldn’t be hard as a much better class over all.

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Maybe that is why he is able to get it so quickly. Everyone know Blizzard doesn’t know how to play their own game!

With the game in the state that it is, getting to 1800 isn’t that difficult. Fury warrior’s in a good state, especially in something like 2’s. Find a healer you jive with, and push while learning from your games. Remember to CC properly, maximize your uptime, trade accordingly involving CD’s. Don’t overlap with your healer. Communication is key.

Dam day 1 and I can barely break 1200. I watched a lot of bajeera videos too. Should I just keep queuing more?

Of course queue more. Anything that you can master in one day is trivial. Go play a few hundred games.

Yep. Keep queuing. You’ll get better with every game, and just remember to take something from it. If you think you did something wrong, review it and think on how you could have done better. A good example is knowing when to trade, and when to peel. Make sure that you time fearbombs properly, and don’t make poor trades. Think about the value of the global.

I’m a 2300 experienced priest, and 2k+ multi-classer on 7 characters total including my priest. I hit 1700 in 2 days on my hunter with greens and blues, and 2100 3 weeks later.

there’s that old saying practice makes perfect

maybe find a partner and work together with voice

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Just keep queuing. You can’t expect to know exactly what you’re doing in the handful of games you’ve done.

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If you have innate skill and the desire to try it’s always possible. I’ve never healed my entire WoW life and I got 2500 this season

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Everything said above is also true. If you have a real desire to learn, you can get it done. Find someone you can jive with, and get in voice with them and work together to learn through the queues.

Could I pull this off going in knowing nearly nothing about fury? I’ve been prot or arms since vanilla and have tried playing fury a couple of times, but it’s so bizarre. Fury’s “anchor” abilities aren’t obvious to me at all and I don’t see a rotation as obvious as that of arms.

Would love to just run arms because that’s my warrior spec and always has been, but its regen is garbo which makes it bad in 2s based on dabbling in skirmishes :frowning:

fury has better self-healing and you can basically tunnel the healer in 2v2

you can definitely go arms as well for the MS but idk if you can play the same as you would fury