Is it Ok lorewise that male night elf be demon hunters?

From what I gather from the lore I read, male night elf are wimps in general. They need women to defend them and basically stay at home with the kids.

All major and important role in their society ( warrior, priestess, sentinels ) are held by woman while male have no place at all in their lore, besides Illidan and Malfurion, who seem to basically be exceptions

Now, how can a male night elf kill the demon needed during a ritual by themselves? I can see other races doing it as they are not weak and cowards, but not a night elf.

Unless there is something I am missing here….

Thanks for helping me with my back story.

Male Night Elves are far from weak. Rather, the prominence in females among their leadership originates from the fact that the majority of males went into the Emerald Dream, making females the majority of active Night Elves in the world. Night elf males aren’t weak, they were simply absent from the hierarchy for an extended duration. Mind you, this absence was from before their immortality was stripped away by the Battle of Mount Hyjal. Also, you must know that, until recently (Vanilla WoW), Night Elves had strict social dichotomies. Men were druids, women were priestesses. While men could become warriors, it was more popular by far to become a tradesman or druid. Again, they did not lack the physical attributes required, nor the courage, they simply chose otherwise.


I haven’t the slightest idea of what lore you extrapolated this from.


The gender division that once existed in Night Elven culture was not emblematic of a genetic difference between males and females. Rather, many chose the path they follow and those that didn’t had pressure from their families and such. Most men became druids. It’s the same way with most women joining either the Sentinels or the Sisterhood of Elune. That’s just how it was.

There may be a sort of established difference between them that came about as a result of the reversed gender roles, such as the women generally being more aggressive and the men generally being more calm, but that does not suddenly mean that male elves are genetically weaker than or are otherwise inferior to their female counterparts. As with anything, some men and women rebelled, leading to some of both going against that cultural pressure and taking a different path.

How can a male kill the demon, you ask? How would a women? Perhaps you should start there.


The males are not weak at all it’s just as others have said about the paths each gender took. Although I still find it hard to believe that there were not some males who chose to be warriors or hunters or just were not able to master or even druidism.

But to your post title, I don’t think it’s mskes sense that any Night Elf become a dh. That is unless Chronicle states otherwise.

There were male Hunters and warriors both in ancient Kaldorei times. They were just typically not allowed to be part of the military after the War of the Ancients.

The sisterhood of the moon, Priestesses or whatever you’d like to call them took up the mantel of elven military after the split. Prior to that military rank was more a social status symbol and not a tactical one.

Males could be trained as warriors and Hunters, but they were not allowed to be part of the military; the Sentinels. Which for gender bias or other factors such as most of the men being in the dream was strictly a female organization.


Rebelled is a strong word there :stuck_out_tongue:

In the Dreamgrove there are many female nelf druids there, as well as male.

Possibly from players who insist that an Amazon style Matriarchy is the key to feeling empowered as a woman. Or the only guards present in Night elf areas are female.

That first point seems like a conspiracy.

It’s much more likely that it’s simply ignorant people whom know little to nothing about actual lore spreading misinformation based entirely off of what is depicted in the game.

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Yeah that’s intresting. I would assume that postions in the dreamgrove may be given to those of higher rank in the order. In fact the guardian of g’hanir is female. I think it’s odd that if women are only trained after w3 that she would have attained such a high position in such a sort span of time. Blizz may need to correct it. The unlike the sisterhood it’s never been stated that that power is best handled or only able to be handled by one gender.

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Night elf males are far from weak. They formed a large part of the army that fought in the War of the Ancients.

The main reason that the Sentinels are mostly female is that Tyrande as High Priestess created them from within the ranks of the priesthood, which was exclusively female and gave positions of authority because of merit, ie the ranks were earned. Whereas the army, which at the time of the War of the Ancients was mostly male, gave higher ranks to the nobility, regardless of any actual ability to lead or understanding of strategy.

In regards to your actual question, the first ever demon hunter was Illidan Stormrage, twin brother to Malfurion Stormrage, a night elf male, (and there are very few female demon hunters in lore) so I think the answer is yes, it’s ok lore-wise for demon hunters to be night elf males.


Are you sure??

huh? I’m not sure what you’re meaning.

If you’re serious: Biologically, Illidan is male. He may identify as another gender, but there is nothing in lore to state that he thought that way. Malfurion is also biologically male, and as Tyrande refers to him as her husband, I feel it’s safe to say that he identifies as male.

Also, unless I’ve missed something in the lore, there are no mentions of demon hunters or indeed a member of any race taking a demon inside themselves and using its power to fight demons before Illidan.

Now, if your post was some kind of joke/you trying to be funny, it didn’t work.

If you were just trolling: Well played

I still want to know if the is any lore that says Kaldorei males and females followed Illidan to Outland? Because if not in my mind I still think it’s odd that any of them are demon hunters. And if there is no lore to back that up the Alliance should have gotten the wardens instead. But I’m open to being contradicted by the lore.

I would never troll. I would night elf, thank you very much!

It is in the Illidan novel. That there are a number of Night Elves (mentioning males and females) who managed to get there way there to train under him.


Then that’s that. Which reminds me I need to read that one.

Well, mainly from the Val’Sharah zone. Malfurion is depicted as being very weak there, falling easily at the hand of Xavious who is nothing more than a satyr and a second class vilain ( it’s not like he is Kil’Jaeden or anything, he is pretty much an afterthought ).

when you think about it, Tyrande also comes off as very wimpy in that zone, and then she gets her butt handed to her by Nathanos, who is baiscally a forsaken, while she is empowered in being the night warrior.

Thinking about it, Night Elves, both genders, are pretty much trash when it comes to their power scale in the lore.

The only good part about Val’Sharah is the quest where you break Maiev (sp?) Shadowsong out of a cell in Blackrook Hold. Val’Sharah basically made me want to slap Tyrande.

However, before you write off the night elves entirely, perhaps you should read the War of the Ancients trilogy. In game lore pretty much dumbs them down. Malfurion is meant to be second to Cenarius in terms of power, but the questline in Val’Sharah doesn’t do him justice.

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Ok, I am very willing to do that but shouldn’t we RP with what the game gives us before what a book gives us? Aren’t the book and the RP game not cannon? That is what I understood but I might be mistaken.

And even if part of them were canon, Blizzard wrote Val’Sharah, so they basically wanted Malfurion and Tyrande to be weak, there is a ton of different manner they could have written that zone if they wanted to make them look strong.