Is it just me or does horde lose more


This week I am at 6 wins 28 losses. There are more losses than that though. I did quit some. Like WTF is going on?

IOC is what I have lost the most. Love of god stop going Hangar!!

It is so painful I don’t even know what I am paying for anymore :frowning:


Probably a string of bad luck likely. It happens.

I agree something seems to have changed recently. I’m used to repeatedly losing BGs, and lately it’s not the case.

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IoC is basically the epic BG where alliance have clear advantages capturing and keeping the hangar, where hangar is the meta for winning. So yeah, if an alliance team doesn’t win IoC they are fail.

There are probably a lot of clueless people on both factions coming back to the game, so it mostly comes down to which team has better gear and/or more people who know how to play.

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Won’t win hanger …‘can’t win IOC. It’s the easiest winning strat.

Cant speak for epics but alliance have won 85% of the randoms I have been in anymore


Yesterday I ran about 15 BG’s. I won my first random and first epic to get my daily wins. Then I just did randoms. Lost about 5 in row. Went to merc and won about 5-6 in row (which were horde losses). Lost my last two as merc.

Total for the day for horde was 4 wins 11 losses. It was like horde players never stepped foot in a BG before.

There do seem to be a lot of new players on the Horde side.

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Please take more of our low effort refugees who leave or give up after one cap or lost teamfight. Now they’ve given up on the alliance completely which leaves us stronger.

The misguided attitude of path of least resistance combined with 100% xp may be the culprit because I can assure you that alliance doesn’t have some masterplan.

Or maybe its just really bad luck. Good luck and see you on the battlefield.


quit spreading fake news to get more Alliance to join bgs.

With Alliance racials better except for Orc Shaman it’s not a surprise things are slowly flipping.

This should of happened at the end of Legion.

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I know when i play horde most of the time i Merc for the 2 minute queue time over 10 minute queue time. I’d assume a lot of people do. Most Alliance teams are probably 75% horde players. Might as well let factions fight each other for fast queue times at this point.


Aside from AV and IoC, your winrates are all >60%, with about half being 70%+

Seems kinda like Horde win more often than not

I rarely do epics, but on 3 of the characters I play I’ve seen alliance doing better since 8.3 dropped - over 50% if you look at only post 8.3 stats.

Why is it always the people with good winrates complaining about always losing?

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Winrates don’t mean anything because it does not count /afk as a loss.
Not sure why people even pay attention to them.

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Tell me how many of my wins are from BFA.

You can’t go by profile stats.

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The weekends are the worst for horde bgs in my experience, edit: during australian time.

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in the last 4 months i havent won so i feel it but it beats the 6 year loosing streak on Alliance (edit) i just won my first bg in months so this is now no longer relivant

Just won an AV on resources 0-38 , with alliance 40 secs away from capping W Frost wolf tower . What an awesome game and nice way to finish the night after mindlessly playing 10 comp stomp games for the insanity shreds.