Is it gif or jif?

Do they use fresh pee cons from trees or the pee cans from cans? Canned pee cans are a sweet disaster. (Piers Anthony would be proud of us all.)


I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise.

And don’t give me that “graphics interchange format” crap, the pronunciation of the words an initialism is made of, doesn’t influence the pronunciation of the initialism itself.

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They, they do that??

Som! Fetch me old whompin stick! There’s travesties about that need sortin.

That comparison doesn’t work at all because phonologically, those words have nothing in common.

Gif is not a Latin or Germanic root word. It’s not even an english word, it’s an acronym.

A better comparison would be the word “jeep” which evolved from US army slang for “GP (General Purpose) vehicle”

GP = jeep
GIF = graphics interchange format

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tldr creator of gifs says “jif”


Why add a useless “D” at the end of the word?

Also, to pull the French into this, how, just HOW, does a word that ends in an O sound, end with an X? How?

twirls moustache and takes a sip of my lime La Croix

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Inventer invented it, he gets dibs on how to pronounce it.

If he said “gif” with a hard g, then I’d be arguing for “gif” with a hard g.

It’s his invention after all.

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Why wouldn’t that be La Crawx or La Croyx? Come on! Why is there an X there?

Just because you created a graphics format doesn’t mean you get to change how acronyms work.


Plural words would look really ugly with a S after -eau endings like oiseaus instead of oiseaux

Because that word doesn’t have a -eau ending lol. It just exists peacefully the way it is

:giraffe: :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Here you go, old buddy. :baguette_bread: I know it looks like a baguette, but I assure you it’s a good whompin stick.

/breathes in deeply with arms folded

Ahhhh… good to see GD getting passionate about something wholesome for a change.

Honestly I see it as when people name their kid Geoffrey. It’s their baby, they get to name it and I’m not supposed to call the kid “Gee-off”.

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I have a bowl of ice cream that tastes like Cinnabon.

There’s nothing “wholesome” about that.

It’s Ge-off.

Not my fault the British can’t spell. You’re kid is Ge-off now.

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But I secretly hope that you do :smirk:

There’s everything wholesome about that! Some foods are good for the body, some are good for the soul. It’s just balance thats the trick.

I didn’t like my roommates bf Geoff so i purposely called him gee-off instead of jeff



“… Yee-os?”

Nah my brain autocorrects to “Jef-fa-fa” thanks to Jeff Dunham. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: