Is it actually possible for alliance to win random BGs?

No seriously, not 1. Not freaking 1. I don’t get it. Every time i’m q’ed and im the top dps by a double, and we lose. I’m actually curious what the end screen looks like when you win as alliance, I’ve never once seen it. This isn’t for rated bgs, just regular. Trying to get the brawl done.


semantic satiation

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You should have a 50% chance to win since horde says their win rates are 50% :upside_down_face:


strategy and teamwork is more important than damage output.


they do tend to lose quite a bit, but they definitely dont lose 100% of the time.

come horde man, its nice… and if u want u can always q merc for faster q times.

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Sure you’re doing damage but is anyone actually dying? You can pump big damage into people but if they’re just being healed up you’re wasting your time. Wasted time = lost BG. While you’re out there flexing we are taking your stuff.


Last night for epic bgs I decided to merc to avoid the high Horde queue times (in order):

  1. got AV, loss
  2. got IoC, loss
  3. got IoC, loss
  4. got WG, afked out
  5. after my deserter expired, q’ed up again and got AV… loss

Fed up with all the time I had already wasted (about 1 hour and 50 minutes or so), I simply right clicked off the merc mode buff and just waited out the Horde’s 19-21 minute queue time:

  1. got AV, win

More often than not, I find myself regretting my decision to merc :roll_eyes:

Yeah, the short 4-6 min queue times on Alliance are nice, but they also aren’t worth a damn :rofl: The short Alliance queue time is pretty much worthless when you consider how much more often you experience losses and/or bad groups on Alliance side.

It seems q’ing up as Horde saves more time overall even “despite” the higher queue times, since you are very likely to win on the first (or second) try and just “get it done and over with”… but with Alliance you’ll typically lose a few games (eating up your precious/limited time) before you get a single win.

“if you want it done RIGHT, the first time, play Horde”


I love when I see tanks getting tunneled at nodes in AB during a loss. I sit there grinning eagerly waiting for the random person to say “YOU ALL SUCK. DELETE THE GAME. IM TOP DMG” :sparkling_heart:


Exactly. My least favorite thing is when a guardian druid tunnel visions on me because I’m also a druid.

Just go away, I have better things to do than this.


I love when the same spec keeps bg dueling you copying every move. “Oh u feign deathed me, I’m gonna top that feign death with a better one!”

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Sure they won 2 out of 5 I played last night ( won EoTS and WSG )

7-1 this morning. might be a u problem




I see this a lot.

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yeah but your a god

If I’m in it with you baby we would take the w <3

Nope, not on him. Keyword here is “morning”. Try that around 6 pm and forth, I dare you come back here and say the same.

its 5pm PST for me now and im 3-0 so far. Lets hope to make it to 10-0 !!. hopefully 6 pm brings harder games

I’m 1 win out of atleast 11 tries for the brawl today. All alliance. Not looking good.

0-10, with the highlights being a 110-1500 and the cherry: 0-1500 where we were outnumbered 9-15 (4 players never even did a point of damage or healing…)

How is this crap happening? Why are people queuing just to intentionally throw the game? We had one merc that said he was just throwing games to kill time.

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I’d love to see proof of these wins. I see a lot of Alliance bragging on here, but none ever show proof of these win streaks.