Is Horde RP dying out?

I thought up another thing that I think contributes in a weird way.

The main method of finding RP on our server is through discords which are hidden. The amount of times I’ve answered this question in trade chat (yes I know) by mentioning servers like the Wyrmrest Community Project I should have enough nickles to buy a burger.

So there is that as well.


Thanks for always having our back, and being active on our discord as well.

A lot of the fun RP ideas I pitched for the Caravan I do think could help not just for Horde RP, but all RP on WrA.

Some fun community events that happen that get people out of the cities and into the world, but trying to get a lot of us there as well in those same locations. More organized format is definitely going to help.

I mentioned as you seen on our discord that now that the holidays are past. I really want to start getting some of those events out of just the planning stages, but into the preparing and then execution stages as well.

We are still new, but as we get more friends along the way. We can create a place where anyone can come and find RP. No matter the faction, guild, or any of that. Just a mobile neutral RP hub with a sprinkle of commerce, and fun whacky carnival booths and performances as well.


And why rp in either of those places when you could be in DUSKWOOD? The BEST WoW zone? (citation: me)


Can’t argue with a source this good folks, debate is over. :smiley:

We’d love it if Suramar was a proper Horde capital instead of being stuck in Legion. But that’s gonna take a lot of logistics that the devs might not be willing to do. At best, we can hope that Midnight might give the shal’dorei rpers something. Y’know, given how the two racial leaders are married.


Take water from the sunwell and mix it in a frosting. Coat it on that fruit we grown in Suramar, but baked as a pastry, and then sell it to them. Would they be addicted to my confection?

We’ve got so many cities we don’t use anymore.

Why not put the Horde in Oribos?

so long as the ooc chatters in the valley of honor stay where they are, I wouldn’t mind this. My orc can be in the city because she’s picking up elf girls. It’s fine. It’s Fine.

I’ll also flood the city with my horrible chupacabra. It’ll be fun.

I heard second hand from an anonymous source that my guild is the reason WRA-H is dying. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

OMG, this! I have tried to get my guildies to rp with others or make friends outside the guild. Most don’t and I feel it is an anxiety thing more than anything else. It probably doesn’t help that there are some out there that just aren’t kind, have some sort of issue, or that we had a guild stalker for a few years.

World RP

Just want to say we have that. I have seen a couple of posts saying all Horde Rp on WrA is in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar but that isn’t true. We have communities and guilds Rping out in the world. My guild is Rping in Iskaara. We also hold events in Thunder Bluff and Mulgore.

Thunder Bluff is beautiful year round.

I have been trying to bring it back as an RP hub for some time now but as I also run a guild and participate in server campaigns like Helping Hands and Dragonscale (Formally Year of the Scourge), I find that I am just not available enough to really bring it back. I have tried to get others involved but that is hard to come by apparently.

However, a few months ago Story Circle was honestly struggling so bad. A lot of our regulars were disappearing and new people were not really coming. It was bad enough that myself and Baoshii felt that we couldn’t miss a single night. It was like if the crowd was smaller, it reinforced that people shouldn’t come. Like my guild in Shadowlands, it felt like we kept things going by the skin of our teeth.

Thankfully the new patch has brought new life to Story Circle and we are doing fine again.

Honestly, my biggest issue with hosting the Dance is not getting enough help with it. I would love to do it more but I am tired.


We sure do have world RP. Unfortunately, it’s not advertised by the game itself. When I log in, check my adventurer journal, nothing in there tells me “Hey you should go here today and check out the RP!”. Nothing tells me “You should download one of these many RP addons to see the profiles everyone’s made!”. I can’t casually log in and go to world RP. No part of the game suggests it as an activity aside from the green letters in parenthesis next to the realm I decided to roll on.

I can casually log in and go to Stormwind, or even Duskwood, and immediately see a bunch of people (at least in Stormwind and Duskwood) actively RPing. Yet, as a new user, I still have no idea people are using TRP3 unless someone tells me about it. I’d have no idea about people RPing in Duskwood while I’m leveling because it’s my first character and I’m leveling through BFA, or I’m timewalking through the Cataclysm and can’t see anyone not also in timewalking.

Accessibility and visibility for RP in this game is butts. Maybe we should complain a lot on a forum thread to suggest “Make an LFRP feature”. Or maybe bully someone else into making it and just… constantly talk about it. I dunno. Current-day RP finding methods feel freakin’ medieval to me.


We could even change the name to Horibos.

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at least a LFG option that’s locked to RP servers would do a lot for finding world RP.

It shore wood.

For the moment we advertise in general for Story Circle. I personally fly through all the Dragonflight zones, Orgrimmar, and some others. Mulgore as well.

Our events are also advertised here on the forums and in various community discords that are also advertised upon the forums.

It helps that Story Circle is in Bloodhoof Village so we get some attention from passerbys’. We see people coming by in TB as well. Not as many stop and join in as we used to.

But yes, a Looking for Roleplay feature would be nice.


A “Looking for RP” feature wouldn’t do much more than the world RP channel linked to the TRP addon. People just need to use the channel.

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Aye. Major case of too many wallflowers and not enough gardeners.


Also while we’re at this whole reclaiming places for the Alliance, I vote the Horde gets to officially incorporate Zul Gurub into the Horde as well as we figure out a place to give the Vulpera for a capital so they can also have an RP hub of Vulpera theme.

Please don’t give the vulpera a capital.

Also, World RP channel? Never heard of it because Blizzard doesn’t sign me into that channel upon making a character in an RP Realm. Accessibility and visibility, guys. Not everyone even uses TRP anyway.

MG Alliance is a vacuum. Eventually it will sponge up more and more players. I personally know a lot of people who have race changed from Horde to Alliance on MG because they got tired of being alone out in the world in Horde zones, or lack of any casual/walk-up RP. I know a lot of people on both factions who have left WrA to reroll on MG Alliance too.

Sadly, many people are not cognizant that they simply go where the most people are, it is herd mentality. Even if they don’t want to, they do it and ignore their individual wants (IE preferring playing Horde vs Alliance).

I play Horde on MG and it does get lonely, I haven’t RPed in a long time there. It is really hard to do cross faction RP when you play bloodthirsty orcs and the story has the factions in peace time. Finding casual/walk-up/world RP is nearly never going to happen on MG unless you have a guild. Structured and planned RP is great, don’t get me wrong, but a lot of us want that random spur of the moment stuff too. MG Horde isn’t the place to satisfy that itch so most people cave-in and go Alliance because it is so easy.

I’ve recently made this rogue on WrA, though. I plan on RPing, so reading this thread makes me sad to see that people are claiming WrA is on a decline, but it is really no surprise. RP in general feels like it has been on the decline since WoD for me personally.

The story has mostly been bad or below average for at least 7 out of the last 9-10 years. My characters had no reason to go to the Shadowlands, then the time skip happened, and now Dragonflight and the Emerald Dream is the same thing all over again, not any reason ICly to be there really… it is really hard to get the creative juices going when the attraction to the Horde for most players was living in constant conflict, fighting for your lives, being the villain/monsters in the story and so on.

The war is pretty much gone from Warcraft and I think a lot of Horde players find that hard to RP, I know I do. It is such a major swerve for faction loyalists, military RPers, and us few savages. I think it is easier to RP Alliance characters during this time because they have more peaceful races overall so it comes more naturally.

I don’t speak for anybody but myself, but that’s how I feel about it all.


It was never really about the “war” for me, anyway. I would’ve been fine just being in adventurer guilds for a while, and I was. The controversy played a small part in my leaving the game, but really I was just using it as an out to take a break from WoW. I just got back thanks to the generosity of people from my Horde guild, so I want to make RP work.

New year, new me, right?