Is Hardcore a distraction from the massive amount of characters deleted by Blizzard?

What better way to distract from deleting a massive amount of characters than to support a community who gets off by deleting their characters once they die in game?

I hope this fad wears off soon. The game was meant to be played in open world PVP settings. Not this PVE computer challenge. There are too many bugs for it to be played like that. Anyone can tell you who knows the game it’s pointless to even try.

Eventually I’m guessing people will just spite the game for lost characters in general then Blizzard will bring them back. The time I have to wait listening to this hype about a failed to begin with challenge is going to be painful.


The game is a sandbox where we are able to play like we want. Am I playing it wrong if I stop at level 39 to park myself in TB and just role play? Or cap at 19 and just twink?
No, I’ve not forgotten about the deleted characters, but what do you think I can actually do about it. Will boycotting HC bring them back?

Then don’t.

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They told you it was going to be deleted…Shouldve got the clone service…


Yes. Blizzard has explicitly stated that they are creating official HC servers to counteract the negative attention from people who failed to take action and clone their characters.


I found out after the fact. But whatever, it is what it is…

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Wholeheartedly agree OP. I don’t think I’m anybody special enough to tell others how to enjoy their gaming time, but I see this as a fad, and as soon as the streamers notice the wind shifts in another direction hard-core it will be more dead than classic era was when it was cannibalized by TBC.

They should’ve announced classic fresh, SOM, and hard-core.

Instead, they only catered to the streamers.

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$treamer$ chase the $$$. A$ $oon a$ blizz need$ to promote another ca$h cow they will all $hift there…

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HC is a cash grab and waste of dev time.

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pvp cant be forgotten soon enough…

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Yes. Since you found out our scheme you will find a job offer from blizz’s spy and propaganda division.

Depends on the bennies, what’s the pay?

Blizzard did NOT delete any characters. YOU had a choice as to whether you wanted to transfer to classic, or TBC. For a fee you could have had both. You chose TBC, so your character is still there (Wotlk).

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Keep telling yourself that if it makes you happy:

Yes, of course it is. Puts tinfoil hat on

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