Is Gallywix a Dreadlord?

The only way Gallywix would make a deal with a demon was if he could figure out how to double cross that demon. Dreadlords are bent on domination. Gallywix is bent on greed. Two different kinds of power. Plus, that goblin doesn’t have they guts to even leave his palace long enough to go meet with a Demon to strike a deal… so there’s that.

Speaking of. I’d like to see the goblin event come back but in honor of Undermine and Goblins, we go to the treasure vault.

Maybe even fight different types of goblins. Dodge traps. And the reward is just this massive pile of gold. Maybe not enough to ruin the economy or maybe some other kind of currency.

Goblin gold or such.

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

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it’s funny, i’ve played a lot of D3, but I don’t think i’ve ever seen the interface for console.

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Yes, yes he is.

Same here. Looks pretty smooth tbh

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

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