Is "Craftenium" another afterlife?

As found on a sinstone in Revendreth during the quest Census of Sins:

Archetus was a genius who chose to discard their empathy for the purity of design. By their hands, designs for architecture of infinite complexity arose, with near endless traps and enslaved monsters encased within. By their hands, the unwitting were tricked into games of chance, then released into their creations, entrapped and destined to starve or be slain. Not for judgment, not for vengeance, but for sheer amusement.

Their genius earned them a place in Craftenium, but their smile earned them a place in Revendreth first. Rid the soul of their smug superiority. Purge them of their pride. Then and only then may redemption come.

Is Craftenium another realm of the Shadowlands? One for geniuses, craftsmen, artists and inventors, it seems? Is it the only mention in-game of another realm by name and theme, or are there others?


It could be. I haven’t seen any other mentions of it, though. But that makes the most sense reading it.


Yeah, most likely. We’re only privy to five of an indefinite number of afterlives, and from the sounds of that, Craftenium is one of them.

My current running theory is that it’s where all the stuff from the Blingtron gifts is alluding to. I don’t have a lot to prove it, I just think it’d be neat.


It seems to be, yes. Terrible name, tho.


The description of Archetus’s creation sounds like it could have been a Torghast thing.

Blingatrons are coming from the Afterlife? And giving us the Blueprints for their Species too? Impressive.

Wouldn’t surprise me if Mimiron’s Mechagnomes(including the ones that provided him with his new Body) came from Blueprints in Craftanium as well.

It would heavily tie into the notion of Death being a Machine and explain why the Mechagnomes seem so Mechanical and obsessed with removing the Curse of Flesh while the other Titanforged just seem to be Metal Giants who don’t care about removing the Curse of Flesh from others including the ones who want it gone.

If that guy built Torghast and Revendreth decided to turn it into a place for the irredeemable than that lends to questions about what Souls are being sent by the Arbiter directly to his masterpiece!

Did anyone else find any other mention of another realm by name, though? I’m super interested to know if there are others!

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I’m going to sound dumb and going against the popular Primus theory but what if the Runecarver is the Eternal One to this Craftenium?

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Only other realm by name I know of is the garden of life mentioned in Maldraxxus.


I’d enjoy this so much more.

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There is an item that might be a hint at one of such realms.

However, who knows if such realm even exist currently. Just like parts of Ardenweald fall apart, if there was indeed that “Obleron”, it could completely fall apart even before we got into Shadowlands.

gl hf


My theory is that the Maw use to be Obleron.

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I do not know what the Maw was originally, but I think it’s safe to say why it looks the way it does currently.

Potential spoler from an interview:

And one of the things we started talking about is this creature, the Jailer that is stuck inside of The Maw, he’s got plans, he is after something, he is looking for something. So he’s trying the best that he can given his limited abilities because he is effectively in prison to try and reach out and find whatever it is that he’s looking for and one of the ways he does that is sending these giant chains and harpoons out into the ambient space around his tower and trying basically to hook things and pull them in. So the bits of land and such that we see in the Maw are actually pieces of things that he’s been able to successfully grasp onto and then tie together and make use of.

So, Obleron might be a part of the current version of the Maw. Was it originally? I have no idea.

gl hf


Truth be told, I just assumed Craftenium was the name of some sort of society of geniuses on his home planet or something to that effect. I didn’t think they were casually name dropping another realm of the Shadowlands.

300 man hours and several hundred thousand dollars went into coming up with the name Craftenium.


“It’s a place where crafters go! It’s, uh… Cr… Craft-- Craftis-- Craftor-- Craftum-- Craften-- Craftenium!”

“You worked hard on that one, huh?”


I mean it could’ve been them throwing a bunch of syllables that make no actual words, they just chose the lazy option of using craft and enium.

I haven’t found anything yet in the current expansion, but G’hanir is a realm I’m sure we will see. It was featured in the War of the Ancients trilogy, and has been mentioned a few times ingame. Most recently in BFA, during an Alliance questline in Drustvar.

It is a giant tree that serves as the afterlife for all winged creatures, including dragons.

I thought G’Hanir was inside the Emerald Dream though

It makes you wonder if there is a connection between G’hanir and Ardenweald.