Is boomkin a good spec for random bgs?

Ya regardless how anyone wants to see it that extra damage they being is still damage needing to be healed an very mana draining.
Its the cost to damage ratio thats off here.
Its damage is way tok high for little effort.

Exactly this. That screenshot I posted was because there was an extended team fight for the first two carts at lava with very strong healing on both sides. They didn’t wipe until after the second cart was capped and they almost capped both of the carts themselves.

The boomkin damage just eventually overwhelmed their healers and they just kind of gave up after that.

There needs to be drawbacks for sure.
I havent touched Boomie in awhile does Moonfire/Sunfire still cleave on close targets? I kinda sat back on this patch.

I would like to introduce you to cursor macros. Will make your life alot easier in epic bgs

Boomie with the AA in Ashran:

And for the record, I just picked up the spec (feral main) :rofl:

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Its more buttons than that. You forgot to jump while hitting moonfire/sunfire

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Ah whoops! Forgot the most important part.

Bumping this to say thanks! I used cursor macros on my hunter before and didn’t like them, however after seeing your comment, I gave them a try on my boomie and OMG I like it so much better.

Just realized I can’t post images here, lame.

Yummy <3 <3

Yes, boomy is among the easiest bg specs ever.
Dot and starfall

yea its a nice qol change haha

All ranged is typically easier in the BGs. But, not so much when getting zug-zug’d by two or more melee.

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