Is BfA the Horde's lowest point?

BfA is more of the Horde’s WTF moment, but I might speaking from a point of apathy.


The Horde is responsible for the war of thorns, and the lives lost in that incident. “Just following orders” is not a valid defense. And you’re right that the Alliance were portrayed as idiots during the 4th war, which is unfortunately just as cannon as the Horde’s guilt.


How does that have anything to do with what I just said? They are both ‘wounded’ because Sylvanas abducted leaders from both of them.


Treng/Dread is the hordes version of the NEFPAs. Don’t expect him to be honest with you.


At least until the next expansion is live and Blizzard finds another way to degrade the Horde with it.

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The Alliance is every bit as wounded as the horde.

Clout-clapping are we, Micah?

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Just calling it how I see it.

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Clout clapping. Even Roux’s book confirms that the Alliance can’t currently kill the Horde off. They’re just as defeated as the Horde is.

Unless you think Roux is a liar, too?

Stay on subject Treng, you asked if I was clout clapping, I don’t care wat roux says. Zerde already established that the alliance and horde were both wounded, until you posted that in game SS trying to imply otherwise.

At least be honest.

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I think you’re the one who’s losing the thread there.

Not really. We al know you have a history of moving goal posts and making false claims. I have nothing to loose. As I said in the above post, it was already established that both sides were wounded, until you posted that SS that tried to imply otherwise.

At least keep the goal post in a straight line.

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What move? I made a declaration. You accused me a liar. I provided evidence that I was correct and asked you if you felt my evidence was also a liar. You told me to “stay on subject.”

You’re wildly flailing, buddy.

We already established both sides were wounded…Are you seriously that hard of reading?

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Are you?

And? Anduin didn’t know what was going on inside of orgrimmar. Only that his forces had taken a beaten. You still haven’t disproven anything


Ikaar firmly believes the Alliance can dismantle the Horde at any given time. I provided an example that this was not true. I’m glad I could gently hold your hand and walk beside you on this path to enlightenment.

Where he has said that? Because nothing you posted has disproved what he said so far. Keep trying though, you’ll give an honest answer eventually.

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Yes. They made for the horde chant with sylvanas which was cringe af. Let alone in a cinematic. Butcher Saurfang’s story ark with him going emo and then getting emasculated through the entire expansion just for him to die in the most mediocre way possible. We get into an idiotic warplot yet again and gain new allies via alternate timey wimey nonsense. It’s been bad the entire expansion. It really hugged WoD as the worst expansion ever in terms of story.


Yeah Horde just cant catch a break and bfa magnified it. Lost more horde leaders( Slyvanvas/Gallywix) and one of them a original one at that so it hurts more to me. Just so they can Garrosh2.0 her when she was fine how she was.

Whole Horde campaign was rezzing guys and getting a scepter that we lost instantly to the alliance then had to destroy it. We needed a fleet got one with the Zandalari and alliance also destroyed that.

We got the Zandalari king killed and the city ransacked, Lost every battle, and I believe they said alliance won the warfronts too so yeah. Lost Undercity too.

Dont get me started on how many Diety/Godmode Characters alliance have while horde has none. Cant say Thrall he went emo and lost his mojo, horde is only alive because of plot at this point.

We lose leaders so fast we dont even have time to groom back up leaders so we are ending up with people like Calia thrown on us. oh yeah we lost 3 leaders I forgot Anduin got the Baine mount drop from the newest Siege of Orgimmar.

Holy moly I forgot about Saurfang! Lost one of our best warriors to yet another leader gone rogue and they made him soft before he died. Whined the whole expansion then died. He went out fighting which was only saving grace of the old Saurfang to me.

Before the alliance guys get me…yes we burned the tree. Sorry and thanks for letting the Horde live another day because we damn sure cant defend ourselves.

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