Is any spec worse than ret paladin in M+?

You have yet to even mention anything about why ret is the worst? Or how it could be better. You just wanna attack me because I’m showing why this thread is dumb.
The thread does nothing but hate on a specific spec.

Every time some1 says some spec (not ret) is the worst, we see the OP yell that ret is the worst. They wanna hear that ret is horrible.

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Projecting again. You see “hating on.” I see commiseration.

Seems to me that in every post about why, they’ve actually made an argument though…

Well, “worst” is hard to objectively quantify, but I’d say it’s bottom 5. Part of the issue, before even getting to Ret itself is that Holy and Prot are both really good right now, so it’s already harder for Ret to get an invite at the high end when probably a good 45% of groups already have a Paladin.

As far as Ret goes, its overall damage can be good, but since it has such reliance on powerful CDs, it suffers more than most other specs if pulls don’t align very well with them. And since its overall damage isn’t “we’re going to pull the entire dungeon around this one spec” high (not to mention that strategy can be riskier with melee specs), Ret tends to have to make do with its CD dependence.

The bigger issue, though, is probably its utility. Its interrupt, stun, and disrupt are something at least matched by basically any other melee spec, but the rest of its kit- based largely on survivability- isn’t necessarily things you NEED as much as, for example, AoE stuns, or Brez. There are some specific places where Blessings are nice to have, but BoP has a really long CD, and very often you can prevent needing a BoP by just…not screwing up (and the same goes for DS: it can be nice to cheese some mechanics or save yourself if you screwed up, but it’s not needed by any stretch). Freedom has pretty limited usage, and even then, in the situations where Freedom helps, it generally is a luxury not a necessity.

How could Ret be better in M+? I’d say a good place to start would be its utility, since it brings basically nothing that Prot or Holy can’t. I’ve been pushing for SV to get an AoE silence for a long time; that could be a group control option for Ret. Ret brings off-healing currently, but at a DPS cost; maybe it could borrow some form of Avenging Crusader from Holy to provide the group an extra healing CD. Perhaps Eye for an Eye could be modified into something in the vein of Challenging Shout/DbtS as a temporary tanking CD. There are plenty of options that would be useful and fit the spec fantasy. And of course, its damage profile could probably be smoothed out at least a little to make it less CD dependent (though if I’m being honest, I run my keys as Holy, so I don’t mind having Ret’s insane burst to tear through open world elites/rares etc :stuck_out_tongue: ).


We have no utility that matters, our cleave is horrible and outside of CDs we do less damage than tanks. If you plan around a Ret they might do well in M+ but that requires extra effort.


Ret is the underdog spec though… Like 40 rets in the world will get a title this season lol.

ret needs a battle res that is exclusive to ret paladin and no other spec. it would land an invite for me im certain

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I think this is the issue that someone that plays ret feels the most when running keys. Because unless they are lucky to have a steady group it is really hard to get into groups with nothing to offer. Damage is important. AOE is important. But if you can’t even do appropriately challenging runs then what use is any aspect of the spec? Even if the key is on the lower side and people don’t really need the proper utilities for that dungeon it is still exponentially harder to get into a pug key

A bres, cleanse with more types of debuffs cleared, a spell-steal-without-the-steal-slash-soothe vs undead would all give people a reason to invite a ret, and improve the experience of everyone playing M+, not just ret players

oh look a tryhard thread.

Well, some people are justified and some people aren’t. I play Retribution because I have no interest in playing anything else. I could play other specs probably, but I don’t, and I never picked Retribution because “it was the underdog.” I just like being a Retribution Paladin. That’s it. It sucks that people see it as useless because it has to compete with Prot and Holy, but I’m not going to change my spec or class because of what other people think.

Uther’s Devotion should’ve been a Retribution talent, even if it was nerfed in some way (0.5 sec reduction instead of 1 second for Blessing of Freedom would be a fine nerf). We’d get more BoPs, more BoFs and more BoSs than the other two specs. Even that much would probably make Retribution unique enough from Holy/Prot and increase the skill cap and perception of Retribution at the same time.

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People see it as useless because that is how the M+ game is designed right now. Since each class brings a unique set of utilities to M+ each class has different utilities/benefits. But the way the dungeons have been designed the utilities ret paladins bring are way less useful than other classes. Which is only important in higher keys

They see someone on Twitch talk about how they always have to bring X class/spec to Y dungeon for Z reason but the Twitch person is talking about their experience running 29’s while the person watching is running 16’s. But they see that and they still only invite the meta specs.

Oh look someone who is accidentally insulting themselves while trying to insult someone else by showing they look down on someone for gaining skill in a hobby thus showing their own laziness and lack of success in their own endeavors