Is any spec worse than ret paladin in M+?

Tbh I get where you’re coming from but you are wrong.

Look at the top 100 ret pallies in the world. To make that list you only need 2543 io. Compare that to another melee DPS like a monk where you need 2929 io or rog where it’s 2929 io to be top 100. I’m mean come on like 1/2 of the top 100 ret pallies in the world won’t even get a season title!! It’s so bad that someone like myself who is purely casual and only pugs would be in the top 100 ret pallies in the world with my current prot io lol.

Sure if you are doing a 15 no one cares but once you get around 23 you need to carry your weight and ret pallies just dont. It’s not even debatable. Why would you take a class that is objectively worse when you want to push your key?

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If you’re talking high keys. I think the worst specs go

Feral < ret = enh = frost dk.

Surv hunter isn’t actually bad in keys. However most hunters didn’t pick the hunter class to be melee so they wont play it.


At least feral has battle rez and pumps tyrannical weeks.

Imo enhance is a way better pick here since lust and some really good totems.

Feral druids are missing innervate and trees but bring a bres. not the greatest aoe but IMO pally aoe right now is not the greatest either unless it is inside their very short burst window

Frost DK’s bring more damage and a bres


hence why i put feral at the bottom. ALSO feral is so bad at damage

but feral is still a druid, and druids have so many utilities. bres and soothe are both reasons why people would get invited to a key. soothe is pretty much essential in a few keys. ret paladins bring no essential utilities

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Well if you say so.

Ret is now considered the worst in the game! No1 invite them to keys. Everyone knows! REALLY don’t invite them to raids!! THE WORST

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well now you’re not debating in good faith. and this thread and all my commentary are about M+ as you can see from the subject line.

In raids rets are quite good if well-played and can easily be the top dps for a good percentage of kills.

O I thought ret was the worst? I’ve noticed most people like to claim they play the worst spec.

Also my last post wasn’t a debate or whatever. Was more sarcasm

In raids? I don’t know what you’re smoking but I want some

That was the sarcasm in my original post. The entire thread is based on m+.

More or less I’m making fun of the people who claim to be the worst. Why do people get so happy about being the worst? You see these threads all the time with people claiming their spec or whatever is the worst and every1 must agree with it.

I don’t play my ret paladin anymore in M+. How does this make someone happy?

You’re obviously here to be a jerk. Putting you on ignore

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Ah yes run away from the point. I see.

Thats why these threads are made, right? Everyone wants to feel like they’re playing the underdog spec. They want to feel like this is the reason for their low dps or healing or whatever. Its a good excuse and I understand. People want to feel empowered when their spec beats an OP spec on the damage meter (frost mage). Gives them an ego boost.

I’m surprised by many of these responses. Ret isnt THAT bad. It’s not feral bad lol.

You’ll see ferals with decent io with like 3k overall dps before the group decides to disband because of said dps (I experienced this). It was funny too because that dude always applied to my keys, I finally decided to take a chance on him… and AWFUL. I will say though I came across 1 feral who was pretty good and I commented on his performance and hes like ‘yah… you really gotta work for this dps’ lol.

Ret is in a awkward place with its damage profile for m+. Because of how our damage is very very frontloaded into our one minute cd rotation, but that one minute cd rotation requires 8 seconds of uptime to get value which leads to one minute cds being held for value which really really hurts since ret’s out of cd damage is abysmal. Its also hurt in a number of small death by a thousand cuts ways for m+ in particular.

For example empyrean power was a fantastic aoe contributor…in bfa when it procced off of auto attacks instead of CRUSADER STRIKE!!! Why is our aoe proc talent tied to our worst single target builder, and why is a blatant aoe talent in the resource row in the first place? Imagine wanting to hit crusader strike in aoe. Furthermore why does ret lack an aoe builder in the first place? wake of ashes also is generally held for our 1 minute cds because its most valuable there which turns it into effectively a one minute cd despite not being one, this compounds when you save it for value if your one minute cds come up at the end of a pull.

Also with how ret frontloads its damage along with its other unfortunate aspects it also has the power to do all of its damage in 8 seconds and rip threat instead of burn through its cds over 20-30 seconds like a normal class giving it a bad rap with the threat starved tanks of the shadowlands.


People who are satisfied with where their spec stands in their preferred game mode…don’t usually start forum topics about it. “This spec is in a good spot and I’m happy about it:” not much to discuss there.


No its mostly people like the OP who try to gen up hate amongst a spec. I just wanted to tell the OP what they wanted to hear. They wanna hear that Ret sucks and its the worst at mythic+ in the game. Hence why this thread was made in the paladin forums.

In reality no spec could ever be deemed the worst at mythic+ because there is too many variables.

Its a dumb thread that will get dumb replies.

I just pointed out the obvious to the OP. They got mad when I called them out and ran away. They wanna play victim now and act like their feelings are hurt.

Also people who like their class usually have some constructive criticism toward the class. This thread is nothing but “Why is paladin the worst at mythic+”. That doesn’t help anything nor does it show they even like ret. Its a bad thread that will get bad replies in hopes of generating hate toward ret.


No, ret is in fact the worst dps for m+, with potentially some competition from enhance. And alot of the criticism in here is constructive, except yours. Stop simping to blizzard and go make a post about how much you love the job blizzard has done of balancing the game, and see how many people agree with you.

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Why is ret the worst? What is making it the worst? By how much is it the worst dps?

I also didn’t know i was simping for blizzard. I’ve made it clear that frost mage is broken OP. I’ve also said Rshaman is broken OP.

What part of this is constructive? Did you offer anything Blizzard could do better? Do they bring back any old talents? Do they just add an extra horse speed CD? Will that fix ret?

This is the constructive part! I found it! The OP tells everyone to reroll off your spec. I guess all the ret should reroll to Hpally or Prot pally???

I rather doubt this. I think people commiserating about how poorly a spec they like is performing (or is perceived) is a much more reasonable assumption than “trying to gin up hate.” Like…there’s no point in starting a thread to kick a spec when it’s down, ya know?

You can still have a reasonable discussion about it, even if you don’t arrive at an objectively “correct” answer. Or people can, at least. I dunno about you personally. You seemed fine engaging on the premise of topic until you were (gasp) disagreed with and then started projecting motives onto the OP

Says the worst offender