Is Anduin's character development too slow?

Warcraft 3 was a short story about one moment encompassing really one persons quick rise and fall.

Anduin started this game at what 6? 7? and now he’s finally king. He’s not even two full expansions as king and really he finally because true king at the start of BfA.

Calm down skippy.

Comparing an RTS to an MMO story and what not wise is silly.

No, that’s still this debate. She was evil with a purpose, then. Teldrassil was evil on an unprecedented scale, and with no discernable purpose. That’s bad storytelling.

then we agree to disagree, IMO Darnasus and Gilneas are equally evil and someone capable of doing one would certainly being capable of doing the other, also even after wining she would invade the city and probably kill/enslave everyone there.
if I had to justify the Tree burning it would be probably because the NE told her that no matter what she would never win because they have hope, thus Silv burning the tree would be her trying to break the NE spirit/heart.

But like I said if you think those acts can be categorize as more and less evil we can just agree to disagree

I wouldn’t describe Anduin’s character development as too slow, really. If anything, most of the character development that we see in these games is way too fast, though that’s understandable and can work pretty well in context. Mostly we see a moment of crisis, basically.

What they have done with Anduin is an interesting use of World of Warcraft’s pattern of expansions and content updates. We have seen him evolve much more gradually.

I didn’t think that the material for Anduin in this expansion worked all that well because the focus was so odd. Dictated by the decision to develop Saurfang’s story in the CGI cinematics, with Anduin being the only Alliance presence there, but it still created this impression that Anduin cared more about Saurfang recovering his honor than anything else, including what had happened to the Night Elves.

But they could do something with that moving forward. Tyrande has a legitimate gripe with him, and Genn could ally himself with Tyrande. We’ve already seen that to some extent.

So… we’ll see. I personally liked Anduin more when Varian was still around because Anduin was this very likable combination of rebellious, but also interested in peace.

Now that he is actually King, I don’t think that they have found a way to keep that second aspect alive (the rebelliousness), but it also makes sense in a way. The burden of leadership. So we could see the other aspects of his character return in the future, once he has matured a bit more.

How much development does the boy king need to sit on a chair all the time?

Well, he aged hella fast, just like vanessa van cleef, both went from children to zap adults in 6 years.

I don’t think it’s not that they can’t figure out how to keep his rebelliousness so much as it’s not relevant anymore. It’s not rebellion anymore because he’s in charge now. You can’t be disobedient when the rules are whatever you say they are.

He only came across as rebellious because he insisted on acting on his painfully naive worldview when Varian had a much more realistic one. Given that he honestly expected that surrendering is a thing that Sylvanas or Rastakhan would do, he’s still just as naive as when he broke Garrosh’s new toy and thought he could talk sense into him.

Anduin’s character has been fully developed as an idealistic boy. He will never become an Arthas or a Varian. The Alliance should start looking to Jaina and Tyrande for their leadership and inspiration.

As King, it wouldn’t necessarily be expressed in the same way, but Anduin used to seem genuinely curious about the mysteries of the world and other cultures of Azeroth, it wasn’t just about wanting peace.

Those qualities could serve him well as a leader, especially as an alliance leader. It should feel like he wants to take the alliance in a new direction. It’s possible for a leader to be innovative.

We haven’t seen that, but I think that we should see it in the future. Maybe the tension with Tyrande and Genn could lead to a shake-up in the alliance, and Anduin deciding to make changes.

Anduin comes across as a little downbeat and taciturn since becoming king, which one might expect, but he wasn’t like that before.