Irreversible damage

The something something is more that Blizzard arranged everything to make the Teldrassil burning seem plausible, ignoring logistics and at times breaking physics to make it work. They wanted to humiliate and punish the Night Elves so badly that literally nothing was going to stand in their way.


I canceled my sub renewal a few weeks ago. Recent events only confirmed to me that the issues at Blizzard is deep seeded in their corporate culture and workplace environment. It also confirms that their writing, as it relates to female characters and night elves, holds the sexist themes and undertones carried over from their employees. All such things I have been speculating for awhile.

If you or anyone wants to cancel their sub because of the more recent lawsuit, good. I encourage people to take moral stands when they feel they should. Frankly, though, I feel like Blizzard has already done plenty to merit subloss before this news. War of Thorns was all the way back in 2018, when they told us to “Wait and see” and promised us Kaldorei Justice. It is nearly August 2021 and I am still waiting. That is 15 dollars a month for 36 months. $540 dollars for “Wait and see” and probably $180 until patch 9.2 for an ending that is essentially “Elune has plans for the Kaldorei but can’t say more at this time” another wait and see.

Four years and $720 goes buy with no, none, ZERO payoff in any capacity. And not just for Night Elves. Forsaken? Their identity has been nearly entirely stripped from them. Humans? I didn’t think Anduin could be made more boring, but somehow Blizzard managed it. Orcs? Probably made out the best in these last 2 expansions with Saurfang going out like a boss at the ripe age of a million, Garrosh having a boss moment, and Thrall reunion with Draka. All are fairly minor story moments in an otherwise trash heap of narrative ineptitude.

The lawsuit is just the nice little cherry on top. Making it clear to everyone that, no, Blizzard isn’t just full of idiots. They are actually garbage can quality human beings. The kind of men who would have been branded and exiled by my medieval ancestors because they don’t deserve the honor of a clean death.

There is no hiding it now. There is no giving them the benefit of the doubt. They do not care about you. They do not care about this franchise. They do not even care about the women they see everyday in their workspace.


It’s doubtful that we will ever get a WoW 2. However the next expansion and patch 10.0 could still become a World of Warcraft - A Realm Reborn by simply starting from a blank state. Let the Jailer destroy the entire universe and everything in it. Only we heroes survive this destruction via some ancient magic either from the First Ones or Elune herself. We’re then transported into an alternative reality and plane of existence, where everything is set to zero. All the old lore? Gone and blown up and we start from scratch.


In my book, that’s the opposite of plausible.


Hence why I used the word “seem”.

But my point is more that when people talk about how the Night Elves have been treated, one defense has been to immediately frame the conversation in the scenario that the War of the Thorns presented - and my reply is that a) the conversation did not begin or end there, and b) (more importantly for our conversation) that entire scenario was ridiculous and unbelievable for a long list of reasons.

Yeah, sure, someone is going to lose a knifefight if they’re blindfolded and hogtied. But that such was made to happen in the first place is what’s being criticized.


I – and probably most folks with insight into game development – did assume that there were issues with diversity, sexism and racism, and seriously ALL our faves are problematic. But I did NOT assume the level of horribleness that’s being alleged in that lawsuit.

Most people in marginalized groups have to deal with some degree of obvious or subtle discrimination. But there’s that, and then there’s Blizzard, where people were getting drunk, joking about rape, passing around nude photos of their coworker, micro-managing women of color to a ridiculous degree while letting the dudes play Call of Duty and drink, letting women do the work while they played games and drank and had “cube crawls” where they would drunkenly grope women employees.

I don’t think anyone assumes that level of disgusting, unconscionable, overt horribleness at any company.


That wouldn’t change the quality of the product at all because it would still be the same writers.

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The quality is partly a product of multiple mutually antagonistic parties with specific sociocultural interests and personal world views trying to shape a singular cohesive story.

We know Afrasiabi was responsible for Orcy Orc Heroic Garrosh + Evil Sylvanas as an idea

We know Golden was responsible for Orc German Fascist Garrosh + Calia

We know Danuser was responsible for Nathanos + current Sylvanas Arc.

Cleaning house of the rot, hiring new people, and empowering more diverse peoples would allow for better quality because that internal melodrama and division would not exist

A meaningful part of the story feels like it’s two groups of the Story Team “negotiating” the lore. “Okay you can siege Lordaeron but I burn Teldrassil”


This could be especially fun as a Death Knight or Demon Hunter player. To a lesser extent, Mechagnome.

having DKs and Demon Hunters from the onset, maybe having them be “neutral”, would be interesting


Let me join the Horde, Blizzard you cowards.


I was thinking a third faction, a sort of “use evil/dangerous powers to protect azeroth” faction:

  • Forsaken + Death Knights
  • Demon Hunters
  • Maybe Blood Elves + Shendrelar Nelves + Suramar Nightborne (ie the Highborne Races)
  • Dark Iron Dwarves
  • Certain Troll tribes (Blood magic)


Separate from neutral races that later let you choose. And maybe these groups you can unlock joining a faction later.


There’s so much they’d have to do with an ARR that I know they won’t do it. For instance, no more pyjama armor. This is the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand upon Twenty-One. Armor needs to be 3d. It’s 3d in every game. Blizzard won’t do anything about it.

Nevermind the idea of them just dumping almost twenty years of content.


I think this 100% depends on how the next few months/years play out between Shareholders choosing to oust or keep the Execs (everyone between JAB and Kotick) + internal WoW Team upheavals/restructuring/purging.


I mean that’s one member of that team pointing out that this is wild and the statements released so far by the other Ps/VPs/etc have been inappropriate too though.

Clearly Kotich does not hold everyone’s leash.

Q3 ends soon, the Shareholder report will reveal more.


I just hope that the report comes out before my sub expires. I want to cover it.

I don’t think the catapults being able to shoot all the way to Teldrassil seems plausible to anyone. I assume that’s what you’re referring to when you said Blizzard broke the laws of physics.

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Yes - and I agree - it’s completely ridiculous. Just as the Horde being able to achieve that level of force concentration was ridiculous, just as the compression of scale was ridiculous, just as the Alliance’s strategic response to the Silithus issue was ridiculous. I’ve gone over each of the reasons for why WoT is ridiculous several times - but none of these items prevent people from trying to jam the discussion into this frame.


Well I certainly don’t know how to feel about being called a “Blizzard defender”!

Not mocking anyone; I just doubt anything of substance will come from it. I think grandstanding and saying I’M NOT PLAYING ANYMORE is a bit much, but that isn’t what old mate was doing, so there’s no issue.