Ironforge down another 17k players this week

How much more must the game bleed before changes are made to make the game better

there’s no way you’re generating enough transfer fees to offset people giving up on their dead realms.


It’s probably not real this particular week. You had all the transfers plus thanksgiving. Next week will be the real tell. Lets not forget the gold buyer ban wave too…


Classic Era servers are a trivial part of their revenue—they wouldn’t even sweat it if the entire project collapsed…if we are being honest.


Subs doubled when WoW Classic released…


SoM is also a big leech for TBC. It sounds like they hate it tho… The SoM crowd. Many threads about quitting after such a short time due to pve griefing.

The correct call was nerfing t5 when they were originally going too.


Muh 17k players


For like a couple months lmao then abruptly died down after that. gets its population data from warcraftlogs. Many guilds did not raid for thanksgiving.


Alot of guilds didnt raid for the holiday.

My guilds raid team 2 did not raid.


My server still has more horde playing and logging now than during naxx

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They should just release nerfed raids at the start. It’s a myth that the classic raider playerbase want hard raids. If this was true they would be playing content that wasn’t solved 15 years ago.


They make more selling mounts and trash in retail

You realize that mythic raids also get solved in retail on ptr and from world first races so other guilds who get cutting edge also have it solved?

By the way around 1-3% of the population gets cutting edge on “Solved” content.

Agreed and the problem is som It doesn’t help things either Neither does the lawsuit like it or not we have to accept the fact that that is a reason why people.

Aren’t playing tbcc As well on top of that Let’s be honest the way blizzard’s been handling it hasn’t been the best they need to do 1 of 2 things.

Is one get more people to play it which at this point I’m not actually sure how I can think of 2 ways off the top of my head The problem is neither one is going to technically cough coughcough save the game.

One They do server merges And I mean big serge for merchants like if your server is all one faction And it’s got less than 5000 Is people on it you get merged together Is until you’re equivalent Or maybe even above 5000.

This would be easier to do with A PVE than A PVP But at the very least this would help those servers and guilds that are having problems with recruiting find people to recruit and at least do raids with.

Pvp This is a little more tricky Just because there are so many PVP servers that are 100% horde or close to it.

Is honestly the best thing I could say with those servers is open up a fresh server but say OK look there’s going to be a faction cap I would say if you get any hire then 45% 55% That’s where the line should be drawn ideally you want 50 50 But that’s not always going to happen.

The other thing blizzard could do even though it’s a little late and I said this before launch racial balancing The 2 things they could do right off the bat would be a give alliance.

All man for himself Too Give dwarfs Is a form of command and bloodlessed And maybe Is make drain eyes passive hit 3 for both spell and physical.

And make the hell Is a 2 minute cool down to lineup with blood elves silent Ability I know these aren’t perfect but best again I can come up with off the top of my head.

Too the only other thing that could possibly do is come up with some type of incentive for people to come back The problem is no matter what type of incentive they do it’s going to be able to be exploited.

especially if it’s strong Like I don’t know maybe They do what blizzard doesn’t retail where every other weekend there’s for the other weekend there’s an increase on reputation gains and experience gains.

Is in other weekends they increase honor gains to compensate Yes I know this isn’t much and there are people that reputation doesn’t matter too anymore.

and the same thing with leveling But the problem is if they push the line anymore but something like that it would just be too strong so.

Those would be my immediate ideas for them to try and get more people to play the game but at this point.

Is the only other thing that I could suggest and yes I’m absolutely certain there would be people that would come back to the game that this was introduced.

Dual speck You can call me an idiot all you want But I’m Is pretty sure maybe not a huge amount but there would be some people that would come back to the game if dual speck was introduced.

It really depends how many come back with P3.

That’s what I like to see!

Hopefully it drops another 17k next week!

Maybe then blizzard will add quality of life improvements like dual spec, removal of attunements as well as nerfing all of the t5 and t6 bosses significantly!

sounds like you would much prefer retail


Half of my guild is bored to tears waiting for the next phase.
a Quarter more have quit while waiting for something new
We’re running at 1/4 numbers right now and getting worse.

Later phases add much stuff to do like Netherwing Daily and Sunfire Isle (or w/e it’s called).

As for making changes to keep ppl in? I’ll admit that would help somebits. QoL stuff like achievements (cut’n’paste from live but up to TBC), scanning both herbs/mines on minimap at same time, Dual-Spec, AH fix for the 1000 stacks of 1-2 items, Enchanting velums (purchased at NPCs since no inscription until Wrath)… Little but useful stuff that does not mess power-curve, pacing and balance of TBC.


Ironforge isn’t completely accurate and many people aren’t raiding during the Holidays or end of the year.