<IPS> is currently not recruiting

Bumpity Bumpity Boo. :wink: Auriia & Braelania from Khadgar are here… Come meet the IPS peeps… Great group of peeps.

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Honestly surprised at the lack of dps warriors. Where you guys at? Also bump

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Bumping again… Bippity Bobbity Boop :wink:

11 days 21 hours and 35 minutes!!

good times await!

where are the DPS warriors at? this game is supposedly over saturated with them…

we could still use a 2-3 DPS warriors and 1-2 rogues

come join the gang!

Bumping this post because I can :wink: Great group of folks. Oh and 11 days 3 hours to go… :wink:

:heart: :heart:

Bump. Morning Mankrik. Where will you be in 10 days 12 hours and 41 minutes?

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we are full on raiding priests for the daytime core now.

still need a few rogues and DPS Warriors! and shammie or two!

9 days 22 hours and 42 minutes!

the level of excitement, and the amount of planning happening in our guild is truly a sight to behold :joy:

don’t miss out!

if you are a DPS Warrior, Rogue or Enhance/Resto Shaman that wants to raid with a daytime raiding schedule, or a casual player that wants to play at any time of day hit us up!

9 days 0 hours 57 minutes now woot woot and Bumping

back up you go!!

8 days 9 hours and 5 minutes!

pew pew! :crazy_face:

7 days 13 hours 38 minutes! Woot woot

6 Days 22 Hours and 4 Minutes!!

another day closer to launch!

6 days 2 hours and 43 minutes!!

today you shall remain bumped!!