Ion's Thoughts on Permanent Water Elemental Removal

My writeup answered all of your questions. Please actually read it.

I didn’t ask any questions. Did you even read my reply?

Fine. I’ll amend questions to “Your concerns”

They’re facts which your points do not address at all. The points are addressed towards some sort of imaginary argument that I have not made.

Be specific. Which parts don’t match up to what you’re saying?

You’re saying “it was never picked” is the crux of every argument you’ve made. I wrote up a whole thing on why that doesn’t matter. You need to explain to me why it matters SO much that everything that exists in WoW HAS to be used at least X% or and why it should be removed if it doesn’t reach that %?

You can’t even argue “its a waste of resources” because they didn’t use resources on it for 9 years and WE fans were perfectly happy with it.

I’ve already addressed this here:

You’ve yet to present a reason as to why they should’ve stayed in game besides this one random hidden quest that you died to.

And I addressed that here:

  1. “But the majority of players didn’t use it!”
    They shouldn’t binarily remove character customization options just because the majority of players don’t use them. Should Dwarves be removed just because only 4% of players play them? Should Laundromats be bulldozed down in the US because only 15% of the nation lacks Washer/Dryers? Should ramps be removed from a building just because only a single employee is handicapped? No! The world the doesn’t need to only cater to the majority. There’s room for all kinds of people, and playstyles and luxuries to coexist. We don’t need to eradicate conveniences and choices just because “the higher percentage” doesn’t want or need those things.

You’re still dodging the question. Why should the minority of players suffer because the majority prefers something else? Why should options be stripped away instead of trying to cater to multiple crowds? Why should low % features be removed if they do not harm the existence of other features?

The spell is still in the database to some extent. They can add it back. You act like its gone forever and nothing can be done

Using a false analogy and fallacious comparisons isn’t really addressing anything.

Because it isn’t realistic to maintain everyone’s little pet interest. Mage would be an amalgamation of the hundreds and thousands of talents and mechanics it’s had over the past 20 years. All for what? Because “why not”?

Not going to happen.

No, I’m acting like nothing will be done if your argument for it is “why not”.

And ignoring true analogies that use accurate real life data doesn’t mean they don’t hold water.

All because the voices of the few matter just as much as the majority. Where is this “amalgam” of hundreds of thousands of talents coming from? The Ele is a singular talent. That’s it. There’s so much that can be done with it too if they reworked it into a proper pet.

And again it wasn’t unpopular because “pet hatred”. People hated it mostly because its bad. People LOVE the new one conveniently because its good, not because its temporary. Its still a pet and is prone to all of the weaknesses pets already deal with, like flying and platform jumping raid encounters. People are completely overlooking those weakneesed because “wow 20-30% DPS boost!”

I’ll say it again since you’re STILL ignoring it.

The voices of the few matter just as much as the many. It’s not “becuz why not?!?”

Comparing water elemental to a laundromat or a race isn’t a true analogy. That’s a textbook definition of a false comparison and fallacious logic.

Your post got 2 likes, it’s about just as popular posts that asked for deep freeze, flame orb, phoenix flames animations, etc. If we had it your way, every class would have hundreds if not thousands of these optional talents that only 1% of the players use. Because, in your own words, “why not”?

No one has said the “voices of the few” don’t matter. What people have said is that if the “voices of the few” can only say “why not” then the argument fails.

Comparing water elemental to a laundromat or a race isn’t a true analogy. That’s a textbook definition of a false comparison and fallacious logic.

It’s a fair comparison. It’s about removing things based on your logic of “less people want X, so it should be eradicated.”

Race choices add just about the amount of DPS as the WE so it seems pretty fair to me.

But if you won’t accept that then give me a arbitrary new goalpost that I have to reach and I’ll do it.

Your post got 2 likes, it’s about just as popular posts that asked for deep freeze, flame orb, phoenix flames animations, etc. If we had it your way, every class would have hundreds if not thousands of these optional talents that only 1% of the players use. Because, in your own words, “why not”?

And your posts have zero likes. Doesn’t mean they have no value!

My post got 500+ likes on other websites. The WoW forum has a low audience since you must be subscribed do anything of note here. (You can like, but without commenting/replying its still a low audience).

You need to get outside of your narrow world view. There’s hundreds of posts on Twitter and Instagram and Reddit where people said “goodbye” to their Bubbles, or their Foamy, or their Puddles, or whatever they named their pet. It resonated with plenty of people.

But as I said I’m not interested in popularity contests. I’m interested in making sure that YES, even the 1% can have an option to play the way they want.

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No it’s not – it’s simply the only one you can make because your argument doesn’t coincide with logically sound analogy.

Sure but other posts in this thread have over triple your likes:

and no only do they disagree with you, but they say “pet management sucks.”

No it’s not – it’s simply the only one you can make because your argument doesn’t coincide with logically sound analogy.

Then give me an arbitrary criteria as to what a “logically sound analogy” is and I’ll meet it. Tell me the rules of this game and I’ll follow them.

and no only do they disagree with you, but they say “pet management sucks.”

And all of those reasons are unrelated to the pet’s overall design.

Damage? That’s up to Blizz to fix. The whole spec was balanced around Lonely Winter’s damage so it was never a fair contest.

Lack of synergy? That was removed when the talent started to get abandoned. I already proved that there was synergy a while ago with the pet-heal and old Water Jet.

And again, I don’t care for popularity contests. I just want the 1-5% to be happy. Your new playstyle is preserved. You STILL get your way. Your life is not worsened in anyway. At all.

I just want to fight to let the smaller minority have their pet back.

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You could try loosening your tinfoil hat. Let your head breathe a bit.

That would imply I believe in a conspiracy.

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I can’t fraking believe they removed the option to have a water elemental. Have played frost mage forever, loved to kite and this was a valuable tool with which to do that. Made the game fun for me. My frost is my main, several other of my mages are frost. Not only will I stop playing mages, will probably stop playing at all. For those of you that didn’t see the value in it, you didn’t need to select it. Thanks blizz for sucking the fun out of this game for me.

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Water Elemental has never applied Winter’s Chill, you’re thinking of Freeze which wasn’t removed.

Hated perma water ele, if i wanted to be a caster pet spec i would play warlock. Was very happy with lonely winter when it finally got implemented.

Just cant stand pet AI and micromanaging it. Just want to manage one caster, not making sure my water ele is near me so i can nova a rogue or somebody behind a pillar.


It wasn’t called Winter’s Chill back then because that mechanic wasn’t even invented yet but I am pretty sure at one point it’s water jet ability applied some kind of debuff on the target that acted very similar to the way Winter’s Chill works now. That iteration didn’t last very long though, I don’t think it even made it through an entire expansion.

Water Jet always gave your Frostbolt an increased chance to grant Fingers of Frost.