Ion what the hell mang

This is the video talking about MW monks getting an invite into mythic raids!

Seriously, this is too funny!

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The loot system i know they are going to address from what I saw in the interviews, they are well aware of it.

It’s just more of: -puts serious work into Nathria raid- -someone is able to explain a mythic fight with a resitas meme- XDDDDD

I’m not on top of my meme’s but thanks for sharing, it was the video I didn’t know I needed :rofl:

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How sad after doing that , he is currently destroying Wow. Somehow the guild name seems appropriate.


:rofl: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I dont think Ion is destroying wow, hes doing good. I think he just has a few hiccups here and there. He’s cool, he works hard and his interview on the new loot system we def will see on the Blizzcon online will address lots of problems.

I am going to have to disagree. He might be good instance designer but overall game development. I think he dropped the ball imo. He has been part of 3 expacs and 2 of them are not doing well imo.


And that is okay to disagree. Some things he has helmed im like: HUH?!?!?! others YAAY

My vibe is he has a semblance of care at the very least.

This one was funny back in WOD when they came out with the twitter patch when everyone was screaming for content. It got deleted very fast. LOL

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But muh SELFIE

I agree with this 100%. I think there are certain aspects of the game he or his team might do well and focus on. But that leaves about 60-70% of the game and last two expansion in dire need of help and content.

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I think Darkvein is a great fight not sure what the big rng discussion is over tbh.

We killed Darkvein World 86th

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:stuck_out_tongue: just memes and humor

From the other dev interviews I’ve seen - - there just really seems to be a lot of ‘yes men’ there without any clear lead among them.

The way they’ve gone about Shadowlands, renown etc, grinding something to upgrade in order to have better wq rewards that aren’t all that better, or some covenant part
 a grind within a grind within a grind
 Torghast feeling so same-y

Classes and everything feeling slow and uninteresting when compared to past iterations sorta Legion and pre-Legion.

I can’t say I have faith in their ‘creativity’, their direction, or anything else

Yo mang
 That video legit.

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Everyone needs to see this video

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In 6 months time probably.

xD yeeeee it really is

Trolling? You mean truth!

“But don’t tell him!” HA!

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-laughs in El Resitas-

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