Invicta (US - Area 52) CE Palace

Bumping bumping

The secret ingredient to his wonderful life was crime.

bumping it

Rock music approaches at high velocity.

Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?

still looking for more, monk, rogue, locks

Bi Bo Bom Bo Bi Bom Bom Bom Bump.

Courage and stupidity were all he had.

You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird mirror. These are just examples: it could also be something much better. Prepare to enter; The Scary Door.

Karen believed all traffic laws should be obeyed by all except herself.

Can you take me higher?!

He had reached the point where he was paranoid about being paranoid.

bumpity bump bump uubump bump

Hellohow many pulls do you guys hae on ovinax and princess? do you get CE often?

Spooby. Scary. Skeletons.

I’m a great listener, really good with empathy vs sympathy and all that, but I hate people.

Que Sera, Sera

Filled out an APP,

I have a WW monk but it’s not up to snuff yet. My warrior i’ve fallen out with because I don’t care for the nerfs & CD based rotation (however don’t mind to keep rolling with it if y’all have someone who is able to assist me as to WHY my damage isn’t bolstered higher to where I’d prefer) - pretty damn sure it’s just the class itself.

WW Monk - 580? fresh template I can get it geared fairly quickly if needbe.
Ret paladin - 609 ilvl - I haven’t done any keys on him because i’ve been trying to get keys done on the warrior.
BM Hunter - 608 ilvl - Same as the Paladin (Both do the same damage as my warrior if not better at current)
Warrior - 622 ilvl - Can keep playing, very interested in finding out how much the buffs change things.

While the life spans of frogs in the wild are unknown, frogs in captivity have been known to live more than 20 years.

my cat is basically sitting on my keyboard right now