Invalid Target - Sap (pvp)

Just did a BG and there was another rogue standing there, doing nothing. Every time I tried to sap him it said “Invalid Target”

Asked a guy that pvps more than me and he’s convinced he was on DR, but it wasn’t like he had been doing anything or in combat, and this went on for a good 30 seconds.

Meanwhile, the warrior right next to him got sapped a good 8 times.

Anyone aware of what may cause that?

If they were on DR, it would say “immune”. Did that person leave the battleground shortly after? I know when people /afk, their character becomes an invalid target to all attacks until the game updates that they’ve left(or rather, properly moves their character from the instance). Or maybe he DC’d and was in the process of logging out or something.

That’s what I thought at first too, maybe he was DCed or something, but then he started walking around and it still wouldn’t work

They most likely wither left the BG and were in the middle of being ported out, or they logged. A lot of ti,es during those 2 things players can still be attacked, but it does nothing to them.

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