Introduce Yourself!

Hi! I’ve played WoW since a month before Burning Crusade went live - I rolled a warrior named Kakarotto, and MTed for my guild all through BC. After that, I switched to my priest Sausagefan and bubble spammed from Ulduar all through the end of Cata. Dragon Soul annoyed and discouraged me, and Panda Land finished off my serious play. I’ve played off and on since then, but not with the same level of love and dedication. I’d actually completely quit playing four months before Classic went live. This has completely rejuvenated my love for the game, and I’m on this game and server for good.

My wife plays as well - she’s a pally named Cathedrial, and we’re in Prophecy. If you ever need a tank and DPS, hit us up!


I’ve been playing since day 1 and I still remember getting loot locked on every Earthroot in Darkshore. Played more or less every expansion, but I didn’t raid much in Pandaria, Warlords, or BfA. The only expansion I got CE on every boss was Legion.

My toon’s backstory is that she is a human female priest who was cursed by the evil wizard Minmax in to being a dwarf. Never Fear!!!


Just a little Gnome making his way through this big old world…oh look a squirrel!


Started playing at launch. Quit at first due to queues and unstable servers at launch. Raided in vanilla back in the day on MC, Onyxia and ZG but don’t recall the others.

Came back for Cata and raided. Came back for Panda expansion and raided. Haven’t played since.

I’m back for the nostalgia and also because I miss tanking in 5-mans when tanking mattered :slight_smile:

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I am an older player that came in late vanilla and, due to being in the military for the longest time, I have been in and out of retail WoW and found myself really absorbing classic and what it has to offer more so than BfA…

I mostly play with my wife, who stated in Warlords, and is with me on this wild ride this time. I am a bit of an altoholic and crafting type mainly because we can’t commit to hardcore raiding/pvp nor am I the type to turn a game into a job, if that makes sense - work, family and reality come first.

We are just enjoying our time in the game and also the improved community (compared to retail) while we search for a guild that is similar to us and our play style.

I hope you all have a good day and lots of random epic drops.


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I started playing WoW in the beta, but at the time was in a high tier Everquest raiding guild and didn’t want to be distracted. I dabbled in WoW off and on over the years but retail started getting away from what I enjoyed in the game so I never stuck with it.

With Classic, I am enjoying the level of required engagement with others for communication, tactics and planning, plus just finding a group.

I play two horde toons, either as Testerosity (troll priest) or Spanx (orc warrior). Both right now are in Trinity, a leveling guild. I alternate nights now with these toons and am always looking for groups to have fun and level up. At some point I will probably want to find a more serious group to have longer term adventures (raids) with.

If you see me out there, be sure to say hi.

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My nasty MMORPG addiction began with Everquest, then EQOA, EQ2. Quit EQ2 around the release of WOW. Played Horde for years at release, all classes, then quit and came back for WOTLK.

Was MT in the top guild on Grizzly Hills. I am glad to be back in classic.
Character was a NE Warrior named Earendil.

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Hey there, Yobachi here, also known as Bag Daddy of Brute Force, the Casual of Cupcakes, and the Martyr of Death and Taxes.

I’ve been playing WoW since the game launched 14 years ago, and have been raiding ever since.

Played every role in progression raids, and led a few raids in my time. Currently a Tailor/Enchanter, and plan to Raid as a Frost Mage once our guild gets to Molten Core.

Dark Greetings

I started playing WoW after Make Love Not Warcraft aired in 2006. However I did not cap a character until BC because I was an awful Druid who literally hit things with a stave until level 16 or so when someone in Darkshore asked why I wasn’t using spells. When BC launched I of course wanted to be a edgy Blood Elf paladin and capped that character.

In MoP I switched to maining a monk and never looked back. I love all three roles and monk let’s me do this on one toon.

I’m here in classic playing a warrior because threat and LoS is my favorite tanking style over the years.

Servers I’ve played on Rivendare, Scarlet Crusade, WRA

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Hey all!
Brand new to WoW so I figured a Classic server would be a great introduction into the game.
Im working on a Druid for my main (hoping the versatility pays off long term)
Mostly play pretty casually, I enjoying farming for valuable loot, and am making a decent living by fishing in the Barrens!
Always LFG and to meet new players. HMU in game if you need some decent DPS that can work as a team, and knows how to listen.