Introduce Yourself Here

Hey everyone!

I’m Sanq, and I am the newest addition to the WoW Community team. Nice to meet you!
My experience in WoW starts near the end of Vanilla as a casual player, leveling and just hanging out with friends. In TBC I got my first real taste of raiding and quickly found that I couldn’t get enough. This led me to starting my own guild and Raid/Guild leading through the majority of WotLK. After our guild disbanded, I ended up taking a break to focus on school and work. Now I am back and excited to finally continue my adventure in Shadowlands as I prepare for Dragonflight.

Also, my favorite memory (and probably biggest accomplishment) from my time in WoW was leading my guild to completing Yogg Saron 25 Normal and 10 Hard Mode.

I look forward to getting to know everyone over the coming months!