Introduce difficulty levels for the Mage Tower

With different achieves, rewards, cosmetics. It would go from easy to extreme and be a perfect way for someone to slowly learn the class and spec, as well as tanking and healing mechanics. More extreme modes could be timed and be part of eSports as well.

And every expasion, add new challenges and rewards to the tower.

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lol torghast


sounds like an immense amount of effort towards a low effort rehash.

This is called leveling.


Not even close.

I agree,

And pull all the current rewards on the hardest level.

Unless you level boosted, that is exactly what leveling is: slowly learning how your class works one skill at a time. Not the games problem if someone can’t be bothered to pay attention.


sure, leveling has the same effect on learning the class and spec that the mage tower has huh

How about you can’t buy boosts till you level a character to max. Even for returning players after a year or two. They need to learn what an interrupt is and know that warlocks have soulstones.
Edit: I re read your post and I KNOW you did not say esports. LET IT DIE

I don’t like it any more than you, but I don’t think it’s going anywhere. So why not give a chance to solo players to participate in it as well?

I guess he’s suggesting the system FF14 uses, where you fight in some arena and each time it gets harder, making you use your new abilities. So like mage tower would be used as you level up. You hit new level, get new ability, you get sent to “mage tower” to see how it works.

I got you!


I mean, neither of them are particularly good for learning the basics of your class.

The Mage Tower basically outright asks you to play in suboptimal ways to play around a gimmicky fight that are barely applicable to how the game works normally. That’s the point of it, that you know your spec deeply enough that you can radically shift how you play for one specific encounter.


This is literally what leveling is. slowly learning your class and spec.

Or maybe you can elaborate beyond “not even close”.

I was interested, until this.

Only if the difficulty stays the same and goes up.

Not down.

The point behind the mage tower is it was meant and is meant to be a challenge for people who are good at their spec. Why would we add difficulty levels to it so someone can learn their class and spec in the thing meant to be a challenge of high skill for people with that class / spec?

I’mma go with no.


Ok. Only the current difficulty and up give the transmog as a reward.

Because esports are for the best of the best. Bragging rights. If you have to learn your class then you are already not fit for esports

They’ve already made the Mage Tower niche content, designed only for the top 10% of the playerbase to experience.

Does it have to be worse? Does it have to be more elite, so that the players who can do it now have even more epeen-worthy bragging rights? “Ooooo! You only did tier 3 of the Mage Tower. I’m a tier 23 player!”


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I disagree on skill. im bad and i did my main spec in legions pre ToS opening (ret pally)

Mage tower was just there for fun and mogs.

Also with no currency requirements and being up all the time you can learn by doing. I agree It doesn’t need more modes