Intro Questline Playthrough (Story spoiler)

Warning this CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS!!! viewers beware!

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As we use the teleporter to arrive to the Frozen Throne, we find Bolvar looking at the shattered remains of the Helm of Domination. Several leaders of both the Horde and the Alliance are there:

  • Alliance: Muradin, Tyrande, Greymane, Mekkatorque, Alleria
  • Horde: Lor’themar, Rokhan, Thalyssra, Valeera, Calia

oh it’s on

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They won’t make Calia a proper Forsaken leader, she is in bed with Xe’ra’s Naruu.

Edit : And at least she is an actual character with plot and not…Rokhan who got the job because he is the only Darkspear Troll with a Name.

I dunno.
Tyrande’s reaction to her is pretty interesting.


Just because the Night Karen wants to talk to Calia’s manager doesn’t mean Calia is in charge of the Forsaken.

poor tyrande she’s homeless cut her some slack
she’s had a bad year

I did right up until She went off about “I will have my answer from Elune as to why she didn’t save Teldrassil.”

She just gave you a anger fueled power up for your revenge, When a Direct Blessing from your Goddess isn’t enough divine intervention…you are a Karen.

Calia leading the Forsaken… Here come Forsaken Pallies, just you wait!

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huh, thought it was to Calia. I did glance at some spoilers to see tyrandae get snippy at her for daring to say ‘uh maybe we should think alittle clearer? having ALL of us hop in there seems like a bad idea, like whos going to calm people down live-side?’ and Nite waaawah herself going ‘REEEEE YOU’S UNDEAD, EAT ME’ and just zoops right in there.

Might of miss-read but the idea of Malf just staring at the hole with a dead-eyed look just 100% done gives me giggles.

I mean, to be fair, the direct anger fueled power up blessing for revenge was not even enough to kill a secondary villain—or to stop him from raising former allies right in front of her.

So like, personally, I can see the case for being like: “Elune, you suck, what gives?”

Well one shouldn’t rush off as soon as you get a power up to get in a fight.

Gotta learn how to walk with your new powers before you run.