Intro Quest

I did the intro quest and it said you get 500 currency for finishing it, and i did, but didnt get trading post currency from doing the intro quest, whats going on? and why didnt i get it for the quest?

Did you check the chest again? Turning in the quest doesnt give it, you have to loot the chest again.

ya i clicked chest it opens and nothing happens

It’s likely still buggy then. :C I would say open a ticket if you did all the required stuff and it still doesnt show up inside the chest.
I know a lot of people are struggling with the trading post right now still, despite all the extra downtime.

talk to people, look at the listing, click on the wall post , finish quest, open chest again.

did all that trust me, still nothing…guess ill do a ticket and wait a week for response :frowning:

I couldn’t loot it at first either, waiting like 10 minutes then I could loot it. It seems rather finicky.

You can only see the currency when you’re looking at the listing. It is not in your currency tab or your bag.

Not true. Character Screen - Currency - Miscellaneous Section - Trader’s Tender. I am looking at mine right now.

There it is, puny 1500, pfft I was looking at dragonflight currencies. Oh nalak is up. QQ

my currency> misc , says darkmoon prize ticket, epicureans award and ironpaw toekn, only 3 things, and when i try to buy something says 0 , and i been waiting for over 10mins :frowning: sigh , i put in a ticket, but says 5days , so huge rip

WoW Trader Post Intro Currency - #11 by Vrakthris Check this out. Follow his advice, if it still doesn’t work, do what he says at the end. The more info they collect, the less likely it happens later on.

That’s because classic doesn’t even have a trading post, just saying.

just using a random toon :stuck_out_tongue: this is for retail and i tried everything people posted, so made a ticket and hope they can fix it soon

ah hah yes . . . I had a similar issue, gotta interact with the chest at the post mate . . . that is if you can even interACT WITH IT!!! glares at the trolly bastids blocking everything despite the hotfix nerfs