Into The Flames(Night Fae Renown quest)

So, I was doing the questline for NF, took the portal to Drustvar, then my group formed for my mythic key. I left drust, but now there’s no portal there in the sanctum to return to drustvar. I’ve never done the BFA questline on my main, and I really don’t want to have to in order to get to Drustvar. Is there any alternative?


Alright nevermind about getting there, but now the Behemoth i’m supposed to fight is evade spamming me and won’t disappear even when I abandon the quest and re-get it… Wtf?

I have wanted to slam my head against the wall 4 seperate times on the Fae quest line. The coders and the staff who signed off on these going live should have their genitals removed from their bodies. They are just … garbage. And that’s saying a lot for a company mostly known for producing garbage.

Ya, no, we don’t do that anymore…

I had the same thing happen to me yesterday and can’t find a way to get back to Drustvar to complete the quest. I’m trying the following to see if it will unblock this: