Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

Why do people want flying to be quicker than ground mounts?

Don’t you just want flying?

Ok. So we should ask for flying to be slower than ground mounts. Ground mounts being faster means that we have an incentive to use ground mounts maybe from hopping from quest area to quest area. Maybe it’s better for outrunning people chasing you in wpvp. etc.

This also gets rid of the Blizzard’s reason for pathfinder.

I have a tissue for your “but… but… flying should be quicker cuz flying is more convenient and having ground mounts being faster would just irritate me to hell because I want flying to be more efficient!” tears.

It doesn’t hurt your gameplay or WQs to have ground mounts quicker. Just fly. Ignore ground mounts. Pathfinder is gone. You get your way. Why complain? Did I mention you get flying? Exactly as you wish. It’s not any slower than BFA’s. Instead they just increased Ground Mounts so flying remains speedy as well.

You seem confused.

I purchased the base game and all of the expansions. I continue to purchase 3 monthly subscriptions to said game. Those are examples of goods and services. That makes me a consumer. I hope that clears up that confusion for ya.

Nice strawman. Grossly exaggerating the point I was making and arguing against that instead is pretty sad.

You need to level through Nagrand in WoD. Take the Stables/War Wolf. Just FEEL how smooth and fun gameplay is when mounts are treated solely as speed boosts with fancy graphics.

How are players going to interact with the world while mounted?
How are players going to interact with NPCs while mounted?
How are players going to interact with other players while mounted?

That depends on their mount equipment & consumables, like stirrups. But being able to gather mats and interact with NPCs while mounted should be possible. The goal is to give ground mounts a niche that makes them situationally preferable to flying mounts.

How does all of this affect unmounted players?
In-combat mobility buffs would need to be given to non-mounted classes or specs. For your class, I was thinking shorter CD on Blink, 2 charges baseline, and a new targetted teleport that can take allies with you, like Ryze’s ult from LoL.

How do players gain access to mounted combat?
Would some classes/specs end up benefiting from mounts and others not?

Mounted classes would get Mounted Combat at either 20 with their first mount or 40 with Journeyman riding. Non-mounted (foot) classes would still be able to cast limited spells while mounted, like Ice Lance & Frost Nova. Just not the long wind up spells like Fireball, movement-based spells like Shadowstep or Blink, or incompatible spells like Whirlwind or Bladestorm. Prot & Arms Warriors would get a talent choice at about the same level to focus on upgraded movement, like Heroic Leap or Charge, or to become mounted fighters.

What if a player doesn’t have/can’t get access to mounted combat?
All you need is a mount and the right spec. And if you don’t have the right spec, you get a generous movement buff to compensate. Like +100% Ghost Wolf form for Shaman

Would this just mean that players spend the entire xpac riding around on their mount, because that provides more benefits than being unmounted?
If it does for their class. Paladins & Death Knights, canonically, should really be mounted as much as possible anyway.

Would players have to master two incongruent combat systems to be effective?
No. Stay away from Argent Crusade-style “vehicle” combat. Mounts are LITERALLY just speed boosts. Do Rogues have to master two incongruent combat systems because sometimes Sprint is up? Or Paladins because of Divine Steed? This is literally just Divine Steed with 100% uptime for classes where it makes sense. Paladin, DK, Arms/Prot Warrior (talent), Lock, Priest (because let’s face it, their combat move abilities suuuu-huuuck!), and maybe hunter.

What happens when mounted combat meets a raid?
Mounted classes fight mounted. Foot classes take advantage of a quicker ground mount cast time and in-combat casting for ground mounts to help them get around the fight or stay out of the lava in addition to other movement buffs.

What happens when mounted combat meets WPvP, BGs, arenas?
Uh, players play PvP? Movement is faster paced and it’s more fun?

Are flying mounts included? If we say no, how are we going to handle the fallout from players and accompanying drop in stock price?
What fallout? We’re not taking away flight. Release flight at launch. For long distances, flying mounts will still make more sense and players can still use them. For short distances and active questing, ground mounts will be a better choice. There are ideas for flying mounts, too, like variable top speed depending on whether you’re climbing or diving and acceleration so you don’t just go 420%ms right from go.

Where do we place NPCs if players expect to fly everywhere?
Where they would go right now, since players currently expect to fly places. This one doesn’t even make sense.

How does this affect all the content from previous xpacs?
Once you hit 20 or 40 you can mount up for combat on some classes and specs. Like the Nagrand War Wolf. Positively. Amazingly.

“I have questions that were already answered several times in this thread, but I haven’t bothered to look.” is not a rebuttal.

Literally the worst combat in the game. michael-god-no.gif

Always gotta be a MHP. :confused:

Because moving on ground faster than a dragon can fly is beyond stupid.
Cheetah, fastest land animal: 120 km/h
Peregrine falcon, fastest flying animal: 389 km/h

That’s why.

Also, flight is a long-distance travel form. It should be optimized for that purpose. Ground mounts are short-distance travel forms. They should be optimized for that, specifically by allowing combat, gathering, and interacting with NPCs while mounted on a ground mount. That would make ground vs flight a choice based on circumstance, rather than one always being better than the other.


you do not speak for me

nor a ton of other people

flying was not an issue until blizzard made it one

that is a FACT

know the difference

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If you think of yourself as a consumer while playing a game… then gaming might not be your thing.

“Gamer” is not some special identity. Players are consumers who are paying money for the game, but moreover, investing time. It’s not productive to pretend otherwise.

Are you a literal walnut? Seriously. You aren’t even worth arguing with, at this point.

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Your post said:

If flying is inherently “bad” simply because it is fast and convenient then why arent the rest of the fast and convenient options also bad?? Thats like saying killing with a gun is bad but its ok any other way, at least inmy opinion.
If you dont like flying because you dont have Pathfinder completed then say so, but to call it out as bad for the game means you have to call out all the fast travel options as well. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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I never said this.

I also never said this. I said there were drawbacks – and there are. A drawback does not mean a thing is BAD. Not having flight has benefits and drawbacks. Having flight has benefits and drawbacks.

You have now repeatedly asserted my opinion for me, and you’ve done a piss-poor job of it to boot. Perhaps you should spend less time trying to argue against me, and more time thinking critically about flight from a game design perspective and then expressing those thoughts.

This thing you’re doing where you try to ‘sum up’ my position and thought process isn’t working. That’s why I said it’s a strawman.

Lastly, I do have Pathfinder completed. All of them. My profile isn’t hidden either, so you could easily have just looked before you started talking out of your rectum.

You lost the “gaming” spirit if you think you are a “customer”.
You pay to play and to have fun, you are not buying a office desk, a coffee machine or a new microwave…

uh…whos fault is that? Uncreative devs and writers…not players who might love having to fly to many places to get there.

broken, lol. thats almost funny.

uh…the same is true for the entire game.
Flight makes the game world bigger by making it so I can go EVERYWHERE, not just those beaten paths from point A to point B.

Im tired of arguing with Blizzard. They can keep flight. They can take it out. I dont care either way…which was the reason they created PF in the first place…to wear down players till not enough of us care to fight them anymore.
On that note, however, my ESO accounts are paid in full and the move to that game when this game has become more annoying than fun wont be more than a couple mouse clicks away and mashing the ‘delete’ button while hovering over that 'warcraft" folder.

so they can remove pathfinder…or they can make it worse.
They can finally remove flight as they clearly still want to do.
And when its all said and done those five WoW accounts I paid for this last month can be unsubbed and I can give my gaming $$$ to some other company instead.

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I didnt “lose” anything…a company called ‘activisionblizzard’ stole it from me.

Actually, if you pay for and play games, you are both a gamer and a consumer.

Who, exactly is the “we” in “we’ve”?

I never asked for that. In fact, if I wanted a game that had mounted combat, I would play one specifically designed as such.

In WoW, player travel, whether on the ground or in the air, is just a way to get from one place to another. At least it was before Team Diablow took over.