Lol you must have amnesia kid.
HeY gUyZ I Am DiaGo I TaKE pIC oF a WiN WhEn I JuMp oN ThEm WiTh thEm nOT hAvInG CdS, aNd afTEr oUR rAid ExHAust them I WonT ShOw eVeRy OnE T hE rAid BeHind mE HAha. I WoNT TElL yAlL WHeN I GEt ClaPpEd.
Hey Diago remember when you chased me to maglair only for me to spank you and force you to reteat back to your raid only for me to get killed by 16 good times.
Stop derailing the thread folks.
At least the lfr has a time you leave that you have to wait 30 mins these guys come and go like the plague.
Thank you.
Last time I checked hiding under Gurubashi Arena wasn’t exactly fair now is it? Such a hypocrit.
We aren’t here to discuss being able to get under Gurubashi Arena…
Or phasing, or queuing to escape, or joining a group on an RP server.
We are here to discuss the Instant Teleport to Dalaran exploit. Thank you.
When you’re calling someone out for what you call it exploiting wtf do you think that is?
And as I told you before, we are discussing that. You said it’s an exploit and you’re reasoning for why it’s an exploit is because it’s instant.
Now, please read here, if that is to be fixed, taking queues, being invited to a different group, etc. should be fixed as well right?
You don’t get to choose one or the other you do the same thing when it fits your game play, and you run around pointing the finger at everyone like a child but when Mickas or someone from your group does it, it’s perfectly acceptable.
No. No it doesn’t.
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