Inside the Art of WoW: Join Us for a Live Stream February 28


Will this be about current art development or what is on the horizon and beyond?

Thursday? Oh man, if only it was Friday. Oh well. I’ll watch it when someone puts it in youtube.


There’s YouTube or the vod on twitch almost immediately after if it doesn’t pop up on YouTube right away.

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The Twitch VoD is available right away and we will have it on our YouTube channel later in the day.


Well, I may not get to it when it’s live but I will watch.

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My first question: When are these guys getting a raise? They seriously deserve it.


The art and graphics department, the only group of devs that actually do a good job this Xpac.


Ahhh…but don’t forget the music!

Even though many of the original music composers, etc. have been let go, I gather, from what they said, that some of them are still to be used for new expac music.

I suppose the music we are now enjoying was created before they were let go, since these things are done well in advance. I guess we will see how things are really working when the next expac hits.

I hope things have not changed too much, since the music of Warcraft is one of the best things about the game, along with the wonderful art work that is so beautifully created.

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Who is tuned in?

Totally forgot about this. Too busy discussing stuff in that 7150 TR thread. Altho, the art department has never failed to deliver in your expansions, so kudos to them.


I watched it. It was interesting but I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of the actual work progress, i.e changing the artwork into animations. Maybe that is more of a blizzcon thing which I never see.

The notification came up as something else instead of this. I just realized a little while ago that it was supposed to be today so I’m watching it now. Good so far :slight_smile:

They wore lapel-mics! :hugs: And the sound was great! Why can’t Ion and Lore wear those during Q&A’s?! :thinking: Anyways it was nice to see the art team clearly having passion about what they are doing and still loving the game they work on. :+1: WTB more concept art slides during their next presentation.


I didn’t. I like the art team, but after the last couple vlogs…I’m just kind of burnt out. I’m sure it was better than the abysmal story one, but I dunno. Feel deflated about these in general after everything.