Initiative is too Strong

Every single build will play initiative. Can we get some actual balance between our talents so we have an actual choice instead of being forced into this horrid playstyle? Don’t let this trash become our breath of sindragosa or bloodtalons. Thanks.


Why don’t you just play fury warrior since that seems to be the play style you’re looking for


Ya, that whole line is busted in terms of how good it all works together.

That or the other routes are the ones busted.

There should be a talent line on the right side that gives effectively the same style of bonuses as Initiative, UBC, Momentum, but take effect and greater effect the longer we hold our movement.


Delay vs. Initiative (Demon Hunter damage increased by 5% per available Fel Rush charge)
Concentrated Chaos vs. Unbound Chaos (Immolation Aura damage increased by 50% when striking only one target)
Inertia vs. Momentum (Chaos Strike and Blade Dance damage increases by 2% per second holding stationary, up to 10%, lasts for 4 seconds after moving)

But why do they even have these huge trees if we HAVE to play momentum and initiative in all scenarios? Forced momentum hasn’t been a thing for several years, asking someone to go Fury now all of a sudden is cringe.

Seems like it was a huge waste of time.


Fury Warrior is 10x more big brain than Momentum. Momentum is literally the dullest playstyle outside of BM hunter, but at least BM hunter can do mechanics.

Thats the great thing about the new talents. You can CHOOSE to play whatever you want. You dont have to play what others are playing. And I am sorry:

This talent is not trash, if its too strong… its trash to you because you either dont know how to use it, or your bad with it.

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initiative isn’t the only issue, Essence Break is aswell, this boring overused mechanic/ability needs scrapped from the tree.

or at the very least nerfed and properly balanced to be less overall output in longer scenarios than the other 2 final tier talents, break should not be the end all that it currently is.

You can make the same build from Shadowlands and still compete. Don’t have to play momentum but its will do more damage I’m managed correctly. It’s all play style.